what do you think


Well-known member
well let me start off by saying that im terrible for picking up on signals from women the phrase stamp it on my forehead and i still woudnt catch on comes to mind so i just need an outside opinion
on friday night my brother was having a birtday party in the house lots of his freinds male and female were there most of them i know so i stayed in the tv room playing gta and drinking untill i was drunk enough that my sa wasnt as much of a problem
anyway there was a girl i ended up playing snap with the card game lots of touching and flirting (i think) then after a few games she askd me quietly to go out the back for a minute after she made sure that there was nobody else outside (i think) we ended up having a good chat and it was the first time in along time that i was actually comfortable talking with someone (probably the drink)the topic of tattoos came up and i said that i had wanted to get one for a while and she said the same but her boyfreind (who she said that she is breaking up with) had always talked her out of it
she then offered me her number and said that if i was thinking of going in to get a tattoo that i should call her and we could go together after that she smiled and at that moment one of the other girls came out the back and kind of spoiled the moment and she seemed to get a shock or surprise or something and went back inside
basically as i said im terrible at picking up these signals if there even was any so all i want to know is if you think she is interested in me or was she just being freindly and genuinely only wanted to go get a tattoo and if you have any advice dont hesitate


Well-known member
she likes you. she mentioned she was breaking up with her boyfriend, she went out of her way to speak with you out back, AND she made plans to get together with you. i am almost positive it is the case. i am the same way though, i need to have a girl basically tell me I LIKE YOU or i am dubious.

congrats dude!! i hope things work out. keep us posted!


Well-known member
God knows im not an authority on male/female relations, but it kindof sounds like she's trying to scare up some options before calling it quits with the other guy.

i think if she made it a point to talk to you alone at a party she certainlyIhad an interest in you. And she did give you her number, maybe she just chicked out of just saying, "Call me!".

...maybe you could call her and ask her what she thinks about color vs black and gray tatoos or something, just to chat some more?