What do you think of this?


Well-known member
I thought about something yesterday about SA that I had never thought of before or even heard mentioned.

I am so determined to overcome my confidence issues (SA) and was thinking about the situations and people I am anxious around. I have made so much progress by gaining some self esteem and believing I am good enough and accepting myself and liking myself. But last week when faced with meeting someone at main reception and explaining a work matter made me so anxious. I tried reassuring myself with positive statements that I am good person, there is nothing wrong with me, I can talk fine, I know the subject I am on about, etc, so why was I anxious?

And yesterday I thought about something I not thought about before. I don't know how important a factor this is exactly right now, but it does seem to make a lot of sense. There is two parts needed in order to be confident, one is confidence in yourself and the other is to have positive beliefs that the other person is going to judge you fairly and nice. When I see confident people they have confidence in themselves and they seem to know they are going to be well received and popular. Whereas I realised that I very little trust in others to see the best in me. I always think people will see the worst in me, just like those kids did at high school who always put me down, laughed at me, ridiculed me, etc. I really lack confidence around women. I always believe that no woman could ever be interested in me. Yet I know I am good enough myself, I don't believe anyone else can see that. That clearly shows I have no belief that women see me fairly and in a good way, I don't trust women to be nice about me, but to just always see the worst in me.
I mentioned in another post that I was teased, laughed at, ridiculed so much in the past for a speech impediment. I had no confidence in speaking because I just had belief that people will laugh at me, ridicule me, think I am stupid. My speech impediment is much improved now, but there are some words that I still slightly struggle with. However, I have accepted that its no big deal, so what if I say a word slightly wrong. Yet I find that if I am on the phone when people can hear me at work, if I say a word that I know I struggle saying, I sort of cringe and think 'Oh no, hope no one heard'. Its like I still have a belief that people will see the worst in me for this. I do not trust people to be nice to me for this, I just expect them to laugh and maybe repeat the word.
Other situations - well I have in the past been really insecure about my appearance, but I have really worked hard on this and come to accept myself and feel I look fine. Yet when I am centre of attention or when people look at me - this is specifically people who I don't know quite as well, or maybe new people, I always feel self conscious, even though I believe I am no longer insecure about how I look. And I kind of realise, is it again because I have no trust in people to see me and judge me fairly and nice? I just kind of expect people to see the worst in me and think I am crap. Its like everything I have been ridiculed or judged badly for in the past, I believe everyone else sees what people judged me badly for and everyone thinks that same negative way about me.

I know Maggie will read this who mentioned her mother was so horrible to her and fellow school kids were mean to her (I suffered years of put downs at school), I wonder if one huge part of the problem is that you have no belief that people will judge you fairly and nice.

Y - who replied to my mail on self conscious in the car, that was interesting that you said you are not self conscious around strangers. I am trying to link not trusting people to your situation but I don't know enough about you or your experiences to make assumptions.

But what I want to add is that I am really confident around friends and family and co-workers who I am friendly with. I suffer no self conscious around them. And I think this is interesting because it shows I trust them, I know they treat me right, i.e. I know they will be nice towards me and they like me and won't be judging me in any other way. Whereas people I do not know and do not trust (because we don't know each other) I believe I have developed subconscious beliefs that when they see me they are always only going to be judging me badly, because that is what so many people in the past have done.

It begs the question, if you believed that people saw the best in your always and liked you and you could trust them always to be nice about you, would you be self conscious around them? If the answer is yes - are you self conscious about yourself? Because I used to be, but I have overcome that. If you are not self conscious about yourself and believe people will judge you well always, would you fear being judged negatively by people?

This may sound a silly example, but imagine yourself in a situation you fear in terms of being self conscious, anxious, etc. Replace the people with plastic dummies, would you still be self conscious? The answer is no right? Therefore its your beliefs of what those people are thinking of you that is causing the fear. You therefore believe people are going to be thinking negatives of you, are going to judge you critically, going to be nasty about you?

I mean can you relate to this, I often think that some people think negative things of me even though I don't know what I think. i.e. I often think some of my neighbours must think I am a bit weird because I don't often go out and when I see them I think they are critical of me. Or believing that no one of the opposite sex could ever be interested in you, and again that is believing people are always critical of you. Maybe you are like me and if you are walking into work and there are lots of windows from different offices overlooking where you walk in, you may feel self conscious and worried what people are thinking. Again its believing that people (may be not all people) do not see you fairly and nicely, but you believe people are always critical of you, i.e. have no trust in these people. As for Y - who said you are not self conscious in traffic when sat in the car, well you obviously think differently to these situations than some people. i.e. you don't care what strangers think because you do not know them or care what they think because you realise that they mean nothing. But there is something you may not trust about people who get to know you personally that you mention?

To sum up, in the situations we fear, I am really interested in looking into, do we not trust the people or person's in the situation to judge us fairly, we believe they are going to be critical of us and see the worst in us. If its true that we do not trust these people to be fair and judge us nicely and fairly, then is it possible to ever be confident around these people if you are self conscious as to how you believe these people judge you? Because remember, around the people you are confident around, you trust them, you believe they do see the good in you and are not judging you negatively.

Any thoughts from anyone would be interesting. I am going to have to have more thinking time on this and if it really is something that needs addressing, I am going to have to think of a way to believe I can trust people and not believe these people are always going to be critical of me and judge me negatively.

What do you think?


Well-known member
Wow not one single reply after 60 odd views. That is pretty demoralising.

Why is this post not getting any replies?

I want to add, if you think of any people or situations or tasks that you feel anxious doing, is it true that you have automatic beliefs that in those situations and around those people, you believe that the people who see you will think negative things of you no matter what you do or behave? If so, that means you have no trust or belief in people to be nice/fair towards you, you think they are always going to be critical of you. You are basically believing you are on a hiding to nothing in the situation, its no wonder you are going to be self conscious and anxious about the situation or the person, believing you are going to be judged negative.

Therefore its hugely important to change beliefs that people always will see us negatively and be critical of us. I mean have you noticed we seem to accept everyone we meet and see as being good enough and fine, yet we believe that around the people/situations we are anxious in, that we do believe we are ' not good enough' and will not be accepted as being good enough by people and that we have to earn acceptance?

I would love to hear some replies, whether you agree or not, I just want to discuss these things with people who are also determined to overcome SA, because it can be overcome.


Well-known member
Hi Charlie,

Well, ill talk for myself, that long wall of text scared me lol, i clicked on ur topic then went back out without reading, im too lazy :p

But i just saw ur talking about me too. Ill explain my situation a little bit more. Why im not self concious around strangers? Well, they dont know me, so how can they judge me???

People i see on the street or people i have to formally socialize with, have only 2 things to judge about me. First one is my physical appareance, and to tell the truth, im confident with my looks, so theres nothing wrong on that department, the second one may be the way i talk, my voice for one, well i dont think theres anythin wrong with my voice either.

What i am ashamed of is my personality i guess, my brain, rather than how i talk, im ashamed of what i am talking about. So if its "summarized" stuff like, "can i have a cup of tea?" , im totally cool, but when im asked something like "so, how was ur weekend?", im stuck, cos i have to add something from myself to answer that question and since i have no confidence in myself, i become self conscious, and blush and stuff...


Well-known member
Thanks for your reply Y.

I hear what you are saying it was a long post. I always write long posts which are aimed at wanting to overcome SA, its hard to write such posts in a couple of sentences.

What you say is so interesting, you have confidence in your looks and speaking, etc and I guess you have never received negative feedback on these parts of you and therefore don't have any negative beliefs about what people think of these parts of you. Whereas I was always put down and ridiculed doing my teenage years for both of these things - for looks and for speech impediment. I was always teased and called names, people would say something nasty about me and everyone would laugh. I have a lot more confidence about how I look now and my speech, but I still believe that others will still see me negatively and think bad things of me because that is how I have seen people judge me - that people have always been critical of me, even though this was long time ago now.

Whereas for you Y, your situation is that you have no confidence in your personality? The answer therefore for you to overcome SA is to change your beliefs about your personality. You need to like your personality and have belief in your personality as being good enough so that you know people will like you. What is it that you do not like about your personality? If you could go to a supermarket and pick up a brand new personality, what would this personality be like?
The other side to it is which I wrote about in this post is that I believe that we always assume and make judgements that people will look critically at us and negatively in certain situations or for how we are (in your case you believe that people will always judge you negatively for your personality no matter?), even though we do not know what they are thinking of us or even if we do not know what sort of a person they are. If we are automatically believing people we only see negatives in us for a certain part of us - i.e. I believe if I say a word wrong because I can't say every word correctly and clearly, I worry if anyone heard and think oh no people will think I am stupid and weird and ugly. I am making assumptions that everyone thinks negatively about me when I do not know what people think - because in the past that is what people have been like to me.
For you, do you believe that anyone who gets to see your personality are certain to be critical of you and judge you as not good enough? If so, then your trust in people is zero and you believe people always are critical and look at you negatively - and therefore you always feel self conscious about showing your personality? At the same time, anyone you are comfortable with your personality around - family and friends, you trust them to not judge you negatively, you are not worried believing they will just judge you negatively for your personality.

Is there any of that right? Please tell me if anything is wrong because I am trying to understand what is right and wrong in general to help with my own situation too.

Thanks again for replying, I really do appreciate it.

You say you have more confidence in yourself, but then you say you believe others will judge you poorly. It can't be both. Having confidence in yourself means not caring or being affected by what others think of you.

You can't control what others think of you. To some extent you can't even control what your own beliefs are. I think it's best to focus on what you can control: your arms, legs and mouth.

Trust is a big word. It's hard to trust people that continuously let us down. But forgiveness is something we grant ourselves not others. By forgiving others we allow ourselves to be ourselves again.

Our brains are constantly making comparisons: that happened before this, he is shorter then she is, seatbelts are good, etc. But our brains also make judgements about ourselves and others that have no basis in fact, just opinions and speculation really: I'm shy, she's nice, he's rude, etc.

The trick in life is giving unconditional love to ourselves first, and then to others.


Well-known member
That is a good argument Sabbath. What you are saying is that I still have negative doubts about how I look and speak, because if I was confident in both these parts then I wouldn't fear what others think.

But I personally think its two different things. 1 - beliefs on myself and 2 - my perceptions of how others judge me. And because I have always suffered put downs and ridicule and teasing, etc - I don't believe I have any trust in people to be fair like I am fair towards others. I never look at people negatively or think they are not good enough because of a 'flaw'. Yet I believe that others are not like that. And therefore there is a difference here.

I often look in the mirror and think I look really good and feel happy with the way I look, but if say I was around women soon afterwards who I don't know or don't know well enough and had to interact with them or I can see they are looking at me, I feel they are going to look at me critically. I have no trust in people to judge me fairly, I just think people are so mean and critical. I have the belief that no woman could ever be interested in me, yet I think I am such a good person, I like so much about myself, but its others who have brought me down and I just don't believe people ever judge me in a good way, I always think they are going to be critical and concentrate on why I am not good enough.

I wrote down a list of situations I am anxious in or lack confidence around, from neighbours, to certain people I walk past at work - i.e. girls, men my age, etc, what people in my office think of me, the ones who I don't know as well, what people think of me if they look at me in my car when I am in traffic - people I don't know. And in every situation I believed they judge me as negative - as being ugly and weird. Yet I don't think I am weird at all. I don't think I am ugly.

I truly do believe that a lot of people may not think positively of themselves, but if they have belief that people are not nasty and critical because they have not experiences much negative feedback like that before, then they will not worry what people think because they don't think people are judging and are horrible. Whereas I have experienced so much criticism, put downs, ridicule, etc, that I truly do believe that when people look at me, they are just going to be critical.

I think you need to trust people to be fair about you and I think a lot of people do not have this trust.


Well-known member
i am fine around strangers for a little while, ill chat away happily but i always go over any questions in my mind first before i ask but after about 10 mins i want to come away before i believe they will call me weird or strange.....all part of sa i suppose.
Im never relaxed around people who know me as i feel they dont want to be in my company,i know i make people uncomfortable because i can "sense" it. Part of sa is not being able to relax and be oneself which is really frustrating and not being able to look people in the eye while talking to them they seem to think your a nasty untrusworthy something to hide sort of monster.
But ay im beginning to say F_ _K YOU does sa really mean im a bad person.


Well-known member
i am fine around strangers for a little while, ill chat away happily but i always go over any questions in my mind first before i ask but after about 10 mins i want to come away before i believe they will call me weird or strange.....all part of sa i suppose.
Im never relaxed around people who know me as i feel they dont want to be in my company,i know i make people uncomfortable because i can "sense" it. Part of sa is not being able to relax and be oneself which is really frustrating and not being able to look people in the eye while talking to them they seem to think your a nasty untrusworthy something to hide sort of monster.
But ay im beginning to say F_ _K YOU does sa really mean im a bad person.


Well-known member
When I see confident people they have confidence in themselves and they seem to know they are going to be well received and popular.

Confident people are not sure if they are going to be well received or not, they are however sure that no matter happens theyre going to be okay, and hence don't have to care about making a good impression on people.

one is confidence in yourself and the other is to have positive beliefs that the other person is going to judge you fairly and nice.

I believe a big part of being confident is knowing that peoples opinions, no matter how negative or bias they are, arent that important.


Well-known member
signs05 said:
When I see confident people they have confidence in themselves and they seem to know they are going to be well received and popular.

Confident people are not sure if they are going to be well received or not, they are however sure that no matter happens theyre going to be okay, and hence don't have to care about making a good impression on people.

one is confidence in yourself and the other is to have positive beliefs that the other person is going to judge you fairly and nice.

I believe a big part of being confident is knowing that peoples opinions, no matter how negative or bias they are, arent that important.

What you say is very true and I agree with all that you say. But I believe confident people are confident because they do not fear what people are thinking of them. Whereas I do, because I have experienced so much negative feedback from people that I do fear what people think of me because I have no trust or belief people judge me fairly.

I want to give an example to illustrate that beliefs on yourself and beliefs of other people are two seperate issues that need addressing. I used to be really confident and was very confident in myself. I did not fear what people thought of me because I had never really received negative feedback, I had never experienced negative and critical judgements. But it all changed. People brought me down by putting me down, calling me names, ridiculing me, insulting me, etc. This lowered my self beliefs, self esteem, self worth, self confidence - which all brought me down to rock bottom (that must show that what you believe people think of you can bring you down, its not just what you think of yourself). I have started really improving my self worth, self belief, believing I am good enough, removing my insecurities, which are bringing me back up. But I also need to pick back up my beliefs that people will not be critical of me and always judging me negatively.
We will always receive some negative feedback at times, but its important to look at negative feedback for what it really means. One person's view does not make it fact or that everyone thinks that way. But to be honest I don't currently think like that.

It is important that when we go into interactions with people to not feel self conscious. And there are two reasons for feeling self conscious. 1 is because you feel self conscious about yourself, believing you are not good enough and have flaws and thinking negative of yourself. And 2 - Believing people are being very critical of you and judgemental. Have you ever noticed you are especially anxious around loud mouths who are outspoken and are known to be mean to people, and you worry that they will say something bad about you? That is not beliefs about yourself being negative, but believing that person is going to be critical of you and therefore you feel self conscious and anxious about what they may think or say about you. I am convinced these are two parts, but I can definitely see why people don't agree.