What do you like about yourself


Well-known member
What do you like about yourself

Ive read alot of posts on here about people not liking this and that about themselves and how they are unhappy so i though i would turn it around a little and maybe people could put their thinking into what they do like about themsleves.

For me i like myslef because...

I can eat as much as i want and not put on weight

Because i can make people laugh

Ehh.. its harder than i thought lol :lol: but you get the idea


its hard because we tend to only think of the negatives. :p

Uhm, lets see
-Im teh good looking :p
-I can run long distances and dont stop
-No matter how much disconfort a situation might have I face it
-Im a good friend? (aparently)
-I can be funny when I want to

well and more, I hope.. :p


I think this is a great idea for a thread, rather than focussing on negatives

Anyway, I guess i'm honest, and always consider other peoples feelings, and i'm a good listener.


Well-known member
Creativity.When all else gets me down im always glad that i can make music in me studio or draw some silly things.I never finish a song though and i always throw away my drawings.Its all relative :roll: Oh one more,i have stupid thing where i cant see anything suffer,i spend alot of time saving beasties (even huge ass spiders that scare me) & i cant go fishing coz of the hooks hurting the fish...wait i might regret this post :oops:


Well-known member
LOL, I like how I can't put on weight either!
Um I don't know, I like how I try my hardest to be nice to everyone.

That's pretty much all I can think of. :(