What do you consider to be "like-minded" people?


After reading some of the posts on this site, I've noticed that alot of people have trouble finding people they can be comfortable with. I was just wondering, apart from being shy, what qualities would you most likely look for in a potential friend?


Erm.. someone who you can talk to and relate to about your problem :) Whos have empathy without being that sickly too polite... but at the same time gives you that kick up the arse to be posative instead of having pity for yourself.

I also think trust is important...because then you can talk about real things not just shallow conversations and humor cos if you can laugh your ass off with someone despite whats happening in your life.. well a bit of laughter is always good.I think tho people are different... and thats kinda the beauty of it getting to know different peoples ways and quirks lol... but when you just "click" with someone and just relate is probaly the best quality for me,I cant really define what makes me click withsomeone and it doesnt happen often tho,but im then able to feel totaly safe/secure speaking to the person when it does happen.

Sorry if thats long winded :)


hey. for me i guess a like minded person would be someone who is comfortable just doing what were doing, u know when people say ur that comfortable that scilences arent arkward? thats a great quality for me. i find it exhausting when u feel u have to entertain someone all the time and u cant just take a minute to be quite. and i guess someone who looks at the funny side of things, but cares about the important things.
Ive got one best mate im like that with, known her for 9 years and we were how we are now when we first met. but ive got mates who im not like that with, but i guess you just work around ur difference and u get along anyways.


Well-known member
I think the main thing I like about people is the ability to agree to disagree. I love a good debate, however, that doesn't rest on people agreeing with me, or me with them.

Loyalty, compassion and a willingness to learn. A aprreciation that "we", are the lucky ones, with food on our table and a welfare system to protect the vunerable.

Peace xxx


Well-known member
Hm. Well, someone intelligent. Who I can talk about the world with and have some agreement, and if not, at least respect our differences. Someone who likes to read and isn't too interested in boys. Shyness is a minus (though my best friend is pretty shy). It would be nice to have someone to trust with really personal things - and someone who would trust me in return. I'd have to have some secrets of hers before I would get close to sharing secrets of mine.


Well-known member
finding like-minded people is kinda overrated. i don't know if i could hang out with people like myself for my whole life, it would get boring