what do people think of you?


Well-known member
what do they think of you before and after they know about you having SA. i find myself thinking people will just think im messed up if i tell em bout me having SA.


Well-known member
i've never told anyone...but the look i get from people is like..."what the fuck is with her??!!"..that's the feeling i get anyway :roll:


Well-known member
i'm not really sure. the only person i've told that hadn't heard my *inside* feelings beforehand didn't really say anything...


Well-known member
I've told my family about my SA, but haven't begun telling friends about it yet. I'm not sure why, though; I'm pretty sure people think I'm messed up to begin with, so I don't think there's that much to lose in telling them about my SA. Like grumblina said, many people perceive me as snobby or aloof or sometimes even hostile. I have a bad habit of staring... if someone looks at me I'll stare em into the ground lol. It's not agression, really; well not all of it. I'd say it's equal parts shock (like "omg! why are you looking at me? what have I done now?") and defence. But the wild eyes sure put the wind up people. I know for a fact I give people the impression I don't like them.

I'd tell friends about my SA, but I don't really have "friends", as such -- just acquaintances. I know a LOT of people and I get by in light conversation, but I never feel close to anybody; I feel that my relationships with people (even intimate relationships) are superficial and meaningless. If I were to tell somebody about my SA, I'd have to trust them. And at the moment, there's noone even close to qualifying...


Well-known member
im not close to anyone either. i dont think i'll be telling anyone pll also think im fucked up to begin with as well. its wierd all through school pll were like whats whats up with that guy? o well fuck it i aint close with no one so i cant say if losing friends would give me greef.


What people think of me

To be honest i dont let anyone get close enough to know the true me, and that includes family aswell,just cant stand to be around people.And when i do have to be around people i kinda put my walls up and im kinda distant i guess.So that probaly makes people think im acting tough or just being arorgant i guess.Or i just fall to pieces and they think what the fuck is with this muppet :lol:


Well-known member
Re: What people think of me

Danfalc said:
Or i just fall to pieces and they think what the fuck is with this muppet :lol:
Hahah... so true! I completely forgot about this one -- yet another reason for people to think I'm messed up. It's like is this guy confident or is he scared of his own shadow? Who knows? I'll be a different person next time I see you...


Well-known member
Well, I get varying responses.
People have:
1) laughed at me.
2) tried to "fix" me, and got so obsessed with it that I couldn't even have a normal convo with them.
3) got freaked out and jumped to the conclusion that if I had a mental disorder (several actually) then I must also be suicidal. So they try to help and then avoid me forever.
4) Figured they were in no position to judge, 'cause they're also pretty messed up. So they wish me luck but don't bother me about it.