New member
i have never had social anxiety or phobia ever in my life but.... When i was a junior in high school one day giving a short presentation i couldnt think of what to say since the presentation was kinda made up at hand with the teacher asking question. I could feel myself blush a little but then when i was pointed out it was even worse. Anyways before that day nothing like that had happened and i guess i was self consious of having my face turn red. From there it just got worse out of nowhere. I wouldn't be able to do much of anything w/o thinking of "Dont blush". Now at this point talking to people made me blush even for no reason. Luckly it got better but its had its ups and downs. Public speaking is practically impossible for me now which it was never much of a problem. Im now in college and i still have the problem. Its not that i have a problem talking or anything but i just dont want to blush and its totally a mental thing. I was always a little nervous about speaking in public like in a classroom like a presentation, but even the smallest classroom conversations are hellish for me, and its probably due to the fact that i dont like showing weakness what so ever ..... any thoughts?