What do I have???


New member
Been to dermatologist, endo doctor, and nothing really explains what i might have. I have been taking proscar for 7 years and stopped about 5 months ago. Taken bodybuilding supplements on and off for years. THought that might be it.

Blood work came back ok and dermatologist said he thought it was the proscar use causing hot flashes, and underarm sweating???

My issue is everytime i go to a doctor office, my armpits sweat like crazy and i get flushed in the face? What is this caused by? Or the diagnosis you think? What doctor would be able to help me cure this. Also happens if i am in a hot environment, and i see someone i havent seen in a while, my face gets flushed and red. Embarrassing. I guess my face is sensititve to sun right now and when i get tan in face and go inside a bar or what not, i get really flushed, etc..When i drink my face turns red. I dont have rosacea i dont think. PLease let me know what you might think?



Well-known member
Some people are prone to facial redness while others aren't. If I'm in a room that's really hot (specially due to artificial heat like ACs and whatnot), my face gets flushed easily. If that happens and other people are around, it gets even worse, I start blushing and it's a neverending cycle.

I don't mind facial redness due to Summer tans because you have a good excuse to be red.


Well-known member
The best treatment is acceptance, really. The less you care, the less both your body and brain worry about it coming. Also, exercise, proper diet and keeping yourself hidrated can do wonders.


Been to dermatologist, endo doctor, and nothing really explains what i might have. I have been taking proscar for 7 years and stopped about 5 months ago. Taken bodybuilding supplements on and off for years. THought that might be it.

Blood work came back ok and dermatologist said he thought it was the proscar use causing hot flashes, and underarm sweating???

My issue is everytime i go to a doctor office, my armpits sweat like crazy and i get flushed in the face? What is this caused by? Or the diagnosis you think? What doctor would be able to help me cure this. Also happens if i am in a hot environment, and i see someone i havent seen in a while, my face gets flushed and red. Embarrassing. I guess my face is sensititve to sun right now and when i get tan in face and go inside a bar or what not, i get really flushed, etc..When i drink my face turns red. I dont have rosacea i dont think. PLease let me know what you might think?


You could have just excessive sweating and facial blushing. There is a forum on this site that talks about it. I had ETS surgery for facial blushing that got rid of most of the redness. I think that when I got embarrased and nervous the blood showed up on my face from rushing so fast. They do the ETS surgery for sweating as well...but your case doesn't sound as severe as it could be. I'm no doctor believe me...but you should talk it over with one to find the best solution to your problem. I tried a bunch of stuff, left ETS for the last...and ended up getting it once everything else didn't work for me.