What CBT audio session works?


Whatsup. I just ran across two full CBT self-help files on Bittorrent, and i'm trying to decide which one to download. I need your advice.

The CBT sessions in question are the one by Dr. Thomas A. Richards, and the Linden Method one.

Does anyone know if these are any good? From which did you experience positive results with most? Also, feel free to recommend any other CBT self-help guides if you want.

c. reznor


I've listened to the Dr. Richards sessions, and I didn't find them especially helpful. He is clearly knowledgeable on the subject, but I felt that he came off too "cutesy". He talks to the listener as if he/she is 5 years old. Maybe that works for some, but not me.

I got Lucinda Basset's Anxiety and Depression sessions off of bittorrent a few months ago. While they are not directly focused on social anxiety, i found them to be great help and I still listen to them when I have time. I think she approaches anxiety from a much more direct and logical manner than Dr. Richards. Just my opinion...


Well-known member
i'm following the Dr. Thomas A. Richards series n i think i'm getting better n i have only listened up to the 5th tape.i don't know about the other one though.has anyone else tried it?