What can i do?


New member
Thought I was "in the clear!" :roll: oh well, heres the story anyway, hope to get some advice :wink:

It started at school when i was 14 (im now 17), i was "bullied" if youd call it that (i personaly say it was just me being week), anyway, all the people in my year made fun of me when going out with this lass that wasnt very popular.
Everyone used to laff and i used to get VERY :oops: and ended up not going to school, then when i did it was in a small room in school where no one could see me.
Since then (I left school early at 15 and been here and there since then) Iv just started a job at a call center, everything was going great, thought hadnt even came into my mind, got a little nervous about having to talk infront of people in the job interview but nothing major.
But ever since last week when this woman mistook me for someone else and told me someone had died (and everyone was looking at me) its brought back memorys and now SLIGHTLY effecting work, not bad enough to not go or anything but its making me think about it at home :roll: .

What happens is i feel :oops: and blush a bit (dont know if its noticable) but it feels crap. Doesnt happen when were talking around our work desk because its relaxed, but if i get a caller and he/she asks me for my full name or gets angry ill feel myself blushing!!!!!
Stupid, i know but thats the way it is.

Anyone able to shed any light on it? i CANT go to the doc and have it go on my medical records (will effect my chosen career for the future!)

Thanks for taking the time to read ;)


Well-known member
hi,when u go for a job and they ask for a medical from your docs basically all it is is your general condition of health that is disclosed i.e is your eyesight ok etc,everything else like ur mental health info is confidential and WILL NOT be disclosed,honestly,so i think you should def c ur doc,or if u really dont want 2 do that how about self help books/tapes etc or even a private therapist,what do u think about those suggestions?


New member
Ill give the self help stuff a try first.
Just had a **** day at work so its worth a try. cant do any harm.

Thanks :wink: