wham bam thank you mame


Well-known member
hiya I really hate these little intros and got a thing about be judged.

I've probly had agrophobia for about 2years and it started of small like feeling real anxious about leaving the house to see friends because when i saw them i felt like i was be watched and judged the whole time and that would be make me panic and feel light headed I'd feel like i was staring at them and wouldnt know for how long to look at someone b4 they thought i was judging them now im so scared that everyone thinks im judgmental that I cant leave the house I hate myself.
Hey, welcome to the site, I had agoraphobia a couple of years ago, didn't leave the house at all for two years and it can be really tough to break out of that cycle. Are you on meds or have a counsellor or anything? It's understandable if you don't because of your agoraphobia, but if you could manage to get some help, cbt is supposed to be very good with problems like sa and agoraphobia.

Don't worry about being judged here, most of us have enough flaws of our own to not be judgemental at all, we're here to support and help each other :)

Naomi x


Well-known member
does anyone no anyways to calm your mind
I find it hard to think about anythings besides social phobia and re-acting bad attacks that I've had and how I could have prevented them.
its like i cant look to the future or anythink positive
i kno im not alone but at the same time i am.Im 18, and 60 year olds have more fun than me....


Active member
I know how you feel, I envy my parents' social life! :lol: I don't know if this will help, but when this whole SP thing started for me, I realised I would have to find a hobby or interest that I could do alone and at home. I've always loved art, so I'm lucky now that I can just escape into a world of painting and sketching to take my mind off worrying. If you could find something to lose yourself in, it doesn't have to be anything fancy. Gardening, baking, making model aeroplanes - whatever floats your boat!


Well-known member
lol yeh, I do love those model aeroplanes.
I know what you mean I do love having sex, that could work'only joking'
I've got this music thing on my computer that im addicted to but I really need some excerise such a nice day today as well.I've got that feeling like i need to socialise but i know i cant.but i really want to "oh,forget it"theres always tomoro or in 5years.thanks for the help you seem like a really nice person.I love your posts as well there so caring and friendly and your a girl and im a boy...seriously thou thanks