Went on a date tonight!


Active member
So a little over a year ago I met this girl at a party. I decided to add her to my friends list on myspace just for the heck of it. Well a couple months later she sent me a message asking me who I was. So I tell her how we met and we get to talking. Soon we became best friends. But for the last couple months we have rarely talked. So a few days ago I message her to see how she was doing. She said her boyfriend wasn't talking to her so I told her that if he wanted to loose her than he was really stupid and that the fact that I'm not lucky enough to be with her keeps me awake at night. (I can say just about anything on myspace) So she said that she was sorry that I loose sleep cause I'm in love with her. Well we kept on talking and after a while she said that she wanted me to meet her friend. So I agreed and finaly decided to ask her if she thought that I really was In love with her. She said no and that if she did she would be with me and not be trying to fix me up with her friend. This made me want to ask her out so I did.

I had never called her on the phone before and was completely terrified to but I called her today and after a minute I felt like I could talk to her all day long. I have never felt that way about anyone, not even my family. Same as when we were together on the date, I could talk to her better than I could my best (male) friend.

But yeah on the date we just went to my sisters and hung out for a little bit. We actually had a blast though.


Active member
I know this was quite a while ago but I just wanted to say a few things. I haven't spoken to the girl but once since we went out which is weird because we are (or were) best friends. Apparently she moved back in with her mom the day after our date and wasn't able to speak to me because she didn't have the internet. I see that as a weak excuse because she had a phone and my number so she could have called me if she really wanted to. I didn't have her moms number and her cell phone had been cut off so I couldn't contact her myself. Anyways she started dating a guy and recently told me and said that she was sorry about it. Everyone is telling me to just forget it and let it go but I am having trouble doing so.


Well-known member
Sorry Skooter. Thats stinks. She shouldn't have strung you along like that. Especially since you were best friends. I understand why you feel the way you do.