Well that's strange


Well-known member
Between March and September of this year was probably the lowest I've been in my life. My girlfriend broke up with me, my friends abandoned me, I was turned down by my first choice of colleges, I was rejected for countless school loans, and I was completely alone at my new school. Needless to say OCD was rearing its ugly head, and hard.

It was only a few weeks ago that I realized I had just sort of...stopped doing rituals. I'm at home now and my room is a complete mess and I don't even care at all. It's very weird.

Maybe it's because my life is on an upswing. My new friends at school have been kinder in 4 months than my old friends have been in 7 years. I'm really happy with my school choice, I'm doing well in my classes, and I met a great girl.

I still have some intrusive thoughts from time to time, but it's so infrequent and for so little time, I don't even think about it.

It's just so weird. I don't even know if I can identify myself as obsessive-compulsive anymore.

I really wish I knew the exact reason why it just stopped, because I want everyone on here to be well. If nothing else, I hope my story can give you all a little bit of hope.

Cheers, and good luck.