well i finally got it out


i sort of accidentally on purpose let my parents find out about my sa, and now they are working to get me some help.

wish me luck :D


Well-known member
Good job Baseball07.See it was not as bad as you thought it was going to be.Good luck on getting help :D :D


Active member
Well done! It takes some guts to open up to other people, telling my family was really tough as well - but in the end they proved to be as helpful as they could and really understanding. It is definitely worth opening up - and now with luck they will help you find the proper help you need.

You should be really proud of yourself. Congratulations!


Well-known member
Hey, that's really great news, good for you. :D I remember when I first told my mum, just that relief to hear her say she would support me all the way. :) All the best. :)


Well-known member
Sempfy said:
Hey, that's really great news, good for you. :D I remember when I first told my mum, just that relief to hear her say she would support me all the way. :) All the best. :)

same here :)

although my mom doesn't understand sp she tries to help as much as she can. i don't blame her, she's a very popular person and has lots of friends and the ease that she has making new ones makes me think were did all those genes go :evil:

lots of luck 4 u Baseball07. u'll see you'll make some progress :wink: