Weird things going on with me


Well-known member
Well I sweat in my palms and underarms and some weird things have been happening to me. I've recently started taking St. John's Wort (a vitamin that's supposed to promote a 'positive attitude' [for depression]). So my palms have still been sweating terribly like usual, but it seems that my left armpit has been sweating more than my right one... its bad to the point of you can't notice the sweat patch on my right arm but I have a huge one under my left arm (through two shirts).

And also now when I am writing in school for a long period of time my hand actually hurts, it feels like I have a rash or something from all the sweat buildup... anyone ever have this?

Sorry for the rant but I'm really feeling down and I need some words of encouragement.


Well-known member
I read your post and wanted to say hi. I do wish I had information you wanted but I don't....but I didn't want to just pass by with out greeting you. Several years ago - I took St. Johns Wort. In hindsight I would say that brand or quality matters. THe 'Wort' that I bought was Long's Brand(I'm in the US). Just at the time it's supposed to start 'working' (I forget how many weeks) - a complete and unexplainable iceberg of emotional pain surfaced. Apparently it did not work on me as expected or the quality was an issue. I had a huge lump of grief in my throat and my heart felt broken - I actually felt like I was walking slumped forward to hold my broken emotions - trying not to shift shards of glass where my heart used to be. I was shocked - no outside causes to explain this pain. I stopped taking St, John's WOrt and after some days of this hell (less than a week I think)- the huge iceberg of emotional pain began to melt. I understand that many people do benefit from 'Wort and I am hoping that you will find it very supportive. I just wanted to say that if you should be surprised with this type of negative reaction - IT DOESN'T LAST. I wish someone could have told me that at the time because I was certain that the rest of my life was going to feel like unbearable pain and I was overwhelmed by it. After 4 or 5 days (oh what agonizing pain) as the pain began to lift, it left me with a new, humble, compassionate heart for those who struggle with crushing depression - I felt like I had sampled a little piece of what chronic depression was like and I never realized how painful it could be. I don't write this to bring you down - just to offer a little encouragement if you find it doesn't happen to work for you. You have my best wishes. (PS: My friend had a similar experience with this brand - we must be the exceptions I guess - why would so many people use it unless it was helpful?_


Well-known member
Hey thanks for the response. I don't think I'm down because of the Wort (I don't think its had any effect on my mood at all) but I have HH and I think it might be the cause for the changes with it. I'm not sure about the quality of it, I just went down to Walgreens and picked up the cheapest one, but I'll keep that in mind. I think I'm going to stop taking it cause my sweating is worse and its really bothering me.
Thanks for the post.