Weight and food obsession


Well-known member
My SA decided to get worse when I began to gain weight rapidly after eating way too little for a few months. I've been stuck in the realms of food and weight obsession for a year now, I know it's mainly what keeps me from leaving the house now and that just makes me eat for comfort even more. It's the one thing I refuse to do even if if guaranteed my wellness; show myself at the weight i'm at even though i'm only 10-15 pounds overweight.

Now that i'm housebound I have nothing to look forward to except for food, so I eat and eat to fill that void of emptiness and boredom, bingeing on especially what i'm allergic to which is bread/gluten to make myself sick.

I feel gross and it consumes me (ironic?). Anybody relate?
I can relate to the comfort eating

I can relate to that feeling when you realise your overweight ...

but your going to make yourself ill if you have to have a gluten free diet .

I don't have sa , so can't offer you anything there ...but mentally you will feel worse the fatter you get , the more unhealthy you get and of course the gluten will add to all this by making you feel unwell.

Your cought in a trap
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Well-known member
For what it's worth, Escapeartist, I thought you looked rather thin in the pictures you posted.

I'm guessing a few extra pounds don't make you look as bad as you think you do, and most people probably wouldn't even notice - or care.

It starts with how you choose to talk to yourself. Obviously, telling yourself your appearance is unacceptable isn't doing you any good, right? So how about trying a different approach? Try the opposite.

If you can make yourself believe the negative stuff you tell yourself, why shouldn't you be able to believe the positive stuff?
theres nada wrong with over eating as long as you're eating healthy stuff.

Eat low fat Granola bars or Salads 24/7 and you won't have to worry about gaining weight, add some chicken to it if you like........

its a cheap trick but it works.


Well-known member
EscapeArtist if this is what's bothering you, then you should put all your resources into ridding you of that extra weight. Do you like movies? Videogames? That's a key in getting you motivated to workout, that's how I did it. I got a 42" HDTV and put a treadmill opposite it. I'd watch around 2 movies a day and play a game or two with a wireless controller and without realizing I'd have jogged for around 4 to 5 hours. If you can make that setup and save up money to pull it then you will lose weight in no time. I went from 187 pounds to 154 pounds of pure muscle in 3 months! You only have ten pounds to lose so it should take you a month/a month and a half.



Well-known member
just make sure you supply yourself with water and lost electrolytes (drinking a gatorade a day would be good)
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Well-known member
oh, and when you lose those first 5 pounds, it will only get better from there (motivation wise)


Well-known member
I've been dealing with the yo-yo diet for a year now. What I've noticed is that I gained extra weight when I was going out more. Anxiety seems to make me eat more and depression makes me eat less. I also wish to lose around 15 to 20 pounds. Although I have to admit there are a few body areas that actually look better now. I would like to keep those ::p: