Weekends Alone - what do people do?


Well-known member

I am slightly bored so I thought I'd make this post. Maybe the rest of you can give me some ideas :)

What do people do at the weekends to minimise boredom?

I very rarely socialise or even leave the house on Sat as it gets very crowded.

Here goes.....

1. I watch The X Factor

2. Go online, check email, e.t.c

3. Go on my exercise bike

4. Read a Roald Dahl book or other story

5. Cook (very relaxing)

6. Iron (again, very soothing)

7. Have a driving lesson

7. Go swimming if I'm lucky, e.g if I can get someone to go with me (I'm too scared to go alone); if I don't have a cold/sore throat/headache, muscle pain (I'm a total wooooooos) OR women's problems.


Well-known member
Well, lets see
-stay home playing computer, or on the internet. Sometimes get to download games or a video or 2
-go rent a dvd
-go running/parkour
-friends sometimes call me to the movies or play computer(on a LAN house)

yeah, thats about it. i rarely go to parties or out at night


Well-known member
hmm i experienced this this weekend.

- watch a movie/TV
- read a book
- check email, surf the web
- sleep
- pamper myself (i.e. shop for clothes, redo nail polish, shave, take that extra time to flat iron my hair, put on make up, etc)

but no matter how bored i get, i never start my homework :roll:


Well-known member
haha i know it... then i feel so guilty about it later. usually i have to be in the right mindset or nothing gets done :evil:



Well-known member
I know exactly what you mean Chilling Echo, I'm the same......and I'm a teacher! (now I'm being naughty) hehe


Well-known member
I usually don't do much, but for the wk end that juz ended, I did something a bit more than usual..

-went to dentist
-went out shopping wif mom & brother(it was a good day to shop as it wasn't as crowed as I had expected- sat can get very crowed here for the shopping malls)

Sun: nothing much, juz watching VCDs wif my brother, surf internet, dinner outside


I almost never leave the house on Saturdays.

Around the ages of 18 - 20, I used to find this unbearable because I desperately wanted to go out and do the things that my peers were doing, i.e getting drunk, meeting girls, etc.

These days It doesn't bother me (I'm 24 now) and I don't really have any compulsion to do any of those things anymore. In fact, I'll only 'go out' when my only friend (in this town I live in) invites me. We usually go for a drink on Sunday's, when he's off work, but I sometimes try to make excuses because I don't think I'll feel comfortable - I've been out of the game far too long. :(

Edit - With regards to the question, I usually surf thenet, play videogames and watch football.


Well-known member
I recently qualified as a primary teacher (teaching kiddies aged 5-11) so here in the UK you have to teach all the subjects.....

How does it work in the USA and other countries? Do they have different teachers for different subjects?

I remember before I moved to the UK and I was a kiddie, we had separate teachers for Art, Sports, Religious Studies and Languages. Our class teacher taught all the other subjects.


Well-known member
yep, that's how it is here in elementary school (K - 5) and then we had different teachers for every subject starting in 6th grade


Well-known member
-go out shopping with my mom and dad
-lay around on the couch watching TV and DVDs (my fav thing to do lol. it's really relaxing)
-clean/rearrange my room around
-do puzzles
-go on the computer
-listen to music
-go for rides in my car
-and sometimes even do my homework if I feel like it lol

I don't really go out too much on the weekends. I just lounge around at home.


weekend dread

I usually do shit like reading and watching movies, but never really get into it as I keep thinking about what others might be doing and how life is wasting away.

Lately Ive been dragging myself out to the pub, getting drunk and having awkward meetings with people I know through a friend.

I crave adventure and unpredictability, however, I find its easier to get that with people and harder with imagination outside of that.

I guess that I really dont accept the reality of my situation and dont accept substitutes for socialising. I dont know if thats good or not, if I accept it, I feel its defeatist, wont change, but then I also think, well, dont let life slip away, may as well enjoy a mediocre life than pine over a social one.


Well-known member
Like Chill asks...what do you teach..how lucky you are.....(see McShy can be jealous)!!![/quote]

Really McShy???

I don't know if I'm lucky really - I get on well with the children, but I'm always the outcast among the staff and I probably don't create a good impression - I doubt they like me much, they probably think I'm aloof/unfriendly/rude and don't mix well- the latter is a big 'no-no' for someone in the teaching profession.


A typical weekend for me would be...

- trying to sleep

- trying not to feel miserable

- surfing the net

- ironing

- cleaning the flat

- cooking and eating

- out walking if the weather is dry

Ermm thats about it.



Incidently, Sahara, whats your favourite Roald Dahl book?

Mine's 'Chocolate Factory' and always has been since I was a little lad lol.



Well-known member
shy_uk said:
Incidently, Sahara, whats your favourite Roald Dahl book?

Mine's 'Chocolate Factory' and always has been since I was a little lad lol.


Hi ShyUk, good, but extremely difficult question!

Although 'The Twits' is hilarious, I would have to go with the first one I've ever read - 'George's Marvellous Medicine' - which lead me to do what any mischievous 8yr old would have done after reading it - go around the house, rummaging through parents/siblings' belongings in order to create my own 'Marvellous Medicine'. I emptied my mother's perfumes and my father's wine bottles, cut up house plants/flowers, threw in a smelly sock lol, etc. I hid this under my bed, and the room reeked more and more each day. It was later discovered by my mother and my goodness was I in trouble...ahhh


Well-known member
SaharaWorld said:
I recently qualified as a primary teacher (teaching kiddies aged 5-11) so here in the UK you have to teach all the subjects.....

How does it work in the USA and other countries? Do they have different teachers for different subjects?

I remember before I moved to the UK and I was a kiddie, we had separate teachers for Art, Sports, Religious Studies and Languages. Our class teacher taught all the other subjects.

How do you find getting up in front of a class and having to "teach" them? It seems that would be a difficult thing for someone with SA (is it SA you have?) to do, albeit they are young and so perhaps less judgemental. It must have been particularly difficult the first time?

I knew someone who went through college to become a teacher, was there for many months, but when it came to the first time she had to get up in front of the class, she couldn't do it, so quit. I had actually been thinking about teaching as a profession, but after she did this, it made me think how I would feel if I would have to get up there and actually have to get the kids to learn for real, and keep doing it for 6 hours every day....no chance.

I can relate to what you said about the staff-room...must be a real bummer for you.


Well-known member
My Typical Weekend (Alone, unless family or friends come out here):

- Do the laundry and other housekeeping chores
- Study/Do Homework (Takes up most of my weekends lately)
- Play OnLine games (Call of Duty is best)
- Watch cable tv (I got digital, baby!) or a dvd (have an extensive collection of movies)
- Read (Currently reading John Grisham's "A time to kill"
- Doze off on the couch (been doing that too much lately)

Out and about:
- Go to the shooting range (great fun)
- Ride the train into the city (Chicago!) and hang out at a park, museum, or the lakeside, top it off with a few beers at a pub
- Ride the bike on the trails (we have these huge forest preserves), haven't done it that much lately, though.
- Go for a drive somewhere, check out a new neighborhood (might be getting a house or a condo in a couple of years, starting my search early!)

On my "Todo" list (aka "Challenges" in ascending order of difficulty):

- Go out at night and check out some cool bands, maybe meet some new people; if im lucky, some women, if i'm really lucky THE woman.
- Start working out at a gym
- Get involved in a sport (Think Im gonna sign up for volleyball this summer, maybe softball too, if I can swing it)
- Quit smoking
- Get fit enough to run in next year's marathon (people come here from all over the country to participate in it)

Well, thats what I do, and whats on my agenda, anyways!


Well-known member
SaharaWorld said:
Although 'The Twits' is hilarious, I would have to go with the first one I've ever read - 'George's Marvellous Medicine' - which lead me to do what any mischievous 8yr old would have done after reading it - go around the house, rummaging through parents/siblings' belongings in order to create my own 'Marvellous Medicine'. I emptied my mother's perfumes and my father's wine bottles, cut up house plants/flowers, threw in a smelly sock lol, etc. I hid this under my bed, and the room reeked more and more each day. It was later discovered by my mother and my goodness was I in trouble...ahhh

Heh heh, that's really funny! :D