We can all use a good laugh now and then, right?


Well-known member
Well, to make us all feel better, I figured we could have a thread where we can tell horribly embarrassing situations involving HH. It's okay to laugh at them, anyway, because I'm sure we have loads of embarrassing things ourselves. ;)


Well-known member
How about a stupid joke instead?

What kind of bees give milk? Boo-bees :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm laughin like an idiot


Well-known member
I will start then. :)

I was in the grocery store, my hands sweaty and such, and tried to pick up a jar of water chestnuts. Unsuccessful, it dropped, broke, and make a pile of water chestnuts, water, and glass on the side of the isle. Then, I was able to go tell an assistant there that there was clean-up on isle five. I've alwaaaaaays wanted to say that to someone and I finally did. :mrgreen:


Well-known member
I was at a sleep over with a group of friends, and I was getting changed I was putting on my antiperspirant deoderant thing (which was that right-guard for men extra strong stuff for my armpit HH) and one of them went "isn't that for men?" very loudly so everybody heard, I was like "no!" going red and stuffing it into my bag veery quickly.
omg the shame. :oops: can't beleive i even put that up here :lol:
(i'm a girl by the way :wink: )
coriander1992 said:
I was at a sleep over with a group of friends, and I was getting changed I was putting on my antiperspirant deoderant thing (which was that right-guard for men extra strong stuff for my armpit HH) and one of them went "isn't that for men?" very loudly so everybody heard, I was like "no!" going red and stuffing it into my bag veery quickly.
omg the shame. :oops: can't beleive i even put that up here :lol:
(i'm a girl by the way :wink: )



Summer past, I was out enjoying myself the day school ended. I was walking down the trail with my girlfriend and her friend and stopped for a second to grab something out of my bag. As soon as I take it off her friend comments.. "Holy shit Joe, look at you wet back.. holy hell"! So I was kind of.. embarrassed as I shrugged it off and continued the walk. Awkward silence for a good minute or two when out of nowhere," You know, sweating isn't "that" gross as long as the person doesn't smell".

And I'm just...

/my mind, "please please shut up already"..


i was stupidy wearing a shirt that shows sweat very easily and had walked very briskly to work since I was a bit late. When i sat down, someone had asked me if it was raining outside. My back was completely soaked.


Well-known member
When I was being tutored in math awhile ago, I was working on this worksheet in the math building which at the time had NO air conditioning! I had been witting out the problem, on the paper, and my hands where raining sweat down on the paper, and it was becoming all wet . Then all of a sudden the tutor who was an old man came up asked for the paper to see my work, and looked at the paper, and then stared at me strangely, and then asked for my pencil, which he had to wipe off it was soo wet! I was like SORRY! I have hyperhydriousis, know what it is? He was like no... It was soo emabressing...

Kinda like when i was taking the S.A.T and the paper was soo wet i could see through it, and then i started freaking out the people weren't going to be able to read it...

ahhh thank goodness for Robinul!

ps: they were able to grade my s.a.t///// though i wonder if people with HH can quality for the 504 plan?


Well-known member
@ Cm123:

I couldn't help but laugh- that's happened to me several times, particularly last year.

I had to make up a test for my English class, and, of course- it included a lovely not-so-little essay I had to write. I actually made a hole through the paper because of how much my hand(s) were sweating. Despite the fact it was winter, my teacher had a window cracked, and I was wearing a tank-top, it was awfully hot in that room... -_-;;

I had to loan a teacher my pen once and I got a really odd look because it kind of... slipped right out of her hands because of the sweat. She never asked to borrow my pen again. xD

@ Causeeffect:

Oh, my... I walked to school one morning and I'd had to go into the bathroom in order to wipe off some of the sweat on my back so it wouldn't completely soak through.


Well-known member
About 5 years ago, I went up to London for a meeting, went through the sweaty tube, walked the 500 yards to the office, walked the 500 yards to my desk and someone said to me " Is it raining outside?" in reference to my hair sticking to my head. I said " No, it's the David Beckham Brylcream look" as I walked past on route to the toilets and wrists under the cold tap scenario. Not sure if I got away with that one or not ........... but I can laugh today ......