Wanted: Christians with Social Phobia


New member
I have had social phobia since I can remember as a small child and I am now 42 years-old. My case is directly related to my constant blushing.

I was hoping to meet some other people who have social phobia and who are also Christians. The reason I want to talk with some Christians is because I wanted to hear their view on how they use their faith to deal with their phobia. Have they found any Christian counselors that they would recommend...etc.

My faith is so important to me and I would love to meet some other Christians who would have the same view on life.


Active member
I'm a Christian - wow I'm glad I came across this thread. My issue is blushing as well. I have been integrating certain things into my life to overcome blushing such as joining a Toastmasters group, breathing more effectively during trigger situations, and studying a CD by some guy who overcame the problem. In addition to that I have become more consistent with my quiet times in the morning. As you know, this will always align your mind and heart in the right direction which has a direct impact on your life. This has made me more stable and calm, less judgmental of myself and others, and generally more compassionate. I also do a lot of outreach such as homeless ministries. This has helped me to shift my focus from "woe is me" to "how can I help others in real need?". It's a complete paradigm shift. I also purchased Christian meditation CDs from this site:


...and a CD called "Supreme Confidence Now" from this site:


I believe my quiet time and outreach will ultimately be the foundation of my recovery as I see the common thread of those who have recovered is mental reprogramming directly in line with walking as a Christian and placing out confidence in Christ.

I am 36 btw, so we're basically at similar stages in life. Feel free to message me if you'd like.

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