Wanna hear something funny?


Well-known member
you guys will probably like this!....So I'm in my room at my flat and my flatmates have loads of friends round in the lounge....I needed the toilet but to get there I'd have to go through the lounge, you know the story.......soooooooooooooooooooooooo......I JUST PEEEED IN A GLASS!!!! lol! I am offically a prick, and I have no idea why I'm telling everybody this....lol....but hey you gotta laugh I guess.

I just really didn't wanna walk through the lounge cause they might say something to me or ask me to stick around and I'd either have to decline and feel rude or accept and then feel awkward and uncomfortable for the rest of the evening!

so I peeed in a glass!!!...oh well, I'm a prick...but I'm happy now....so I'm going to bed! night night x


Well-known member
worry wort i dont think your a prick, I have been there myself to an extent (not peeing into a glass, but ive not wanted to leave my room cos of guests)

I would recommend that next time you just force yourself out there. You can use an excuse to go back to your room if you dont want to interact with the people (say you need to make a phone call or something). I know its hard, but you should be able to relax and do what you need to in your own home.