Victims of RELIGIOUS abuse?


Well-known member
Hello, 8)

I was wondering if you guys have ever been victims of religious abuse? Have you ever been burdened with disturbing theology about divine penalties for sin and a God who threatens not to pardon you? Have you been raised by religious parents who thought it their religious duty to be miserable puritanical disciplinarians? :p

Have you spent time in religious schools where sadism was thought to be a religious duty? Do you obsess about committing moral infractions because of religious teaching you have received? Do you obsess about "the unforgivable sin" or obsess about hell? :wink:

Also, if you have any positive statements about your experience with religion, whether that religion is Christianity or other, than please discuss them. Have you felt joy from your relationship with Christ, or God? Liberation from an oppressive way of life when you became a Christian or Buddhist? :?

Please, I would love to hear from you! :D



Well-known member
I'm agnostic. I guess that isn't a religion, but it suits my beliefs. I find it much easier to not have to have that responsibility of constantly having to pray and all that, especially when there is no proof that there is a god and no proof that there isn't.


Well-known member
I grew up in the church but had to leave because I had the demon of Hades in me and 6 of his followers and top of that had committed the unforgivable sin

overall being a churchgoer had more negative effects on me than positive


Well-known member
Horatio said:
I grew up in the church but had to leave because I had the demon of Hades in me and 6 of his followers and top of that had committed the unforgivable sin

overall being a churchgoer had more negative effects on me than positive
You did? :D What was that like to be possessed by evil spirits? :twisted: What evidence did you have for this? :lol: What evidence did anybody else have? :?:


Well-known member
Zipper said:
Horatio said:
I grew up in the church but had to leave because I had the demon of Hades in me and 6 of his followers and top of that had committed the unforgivable sin

overall being a churchgoer had more negative effects on me than positive
You did? :D What was that like to be possessed by evil spirits? :twisted: What evidence did you have for this? :lol: What evidence did anybody else have? :?:

God told them. Thats all the evidence they needed.

They tried to have an excorsism to get them out of me. Apparently my SP and Depression were manifestations of the Spirit of Hades.


Well-known member
Horatio said:
Zipper said:
Horatio said:
I grew up in the church but had to leave because I had the demon of Hades in me and 6 of his followers and top of that had committed the unforgivable sin

overall being a churchgoer had more negative effects on me than positive
You did? :D What was that like to be possessed by evil spirits? :twisted: What evidence did you have for this? :lol: What evidence did anybody else have? :?:

God told them. Thats all the evidence they needed.

They tried to have an excorsism to get them out of me. Apparently my SP and Depression were manifestations of the Spirit of Hades.
Are you serious! You were anxious, morose, and timid and this made them think you were demon possessed? What about their ignorance, superstition, and stupidity, what spirit was to blame for that?


Well-known member
Yea I got a lot of the over zealous religious crap from my farther.He got worse the older he was.First he thought I was a evil homosexual because i didn't have a girlfriend and he was constantly calling me fagot,queer and fudge packer.Then later on when I really started having problem with depression and sa.He would say its because I was evil and immoral and god was punishing me for not being a good person.Atleast no one thought I was demon possess though.

It's to bad the some people twist religion in to there personal power game.