New member
Never posted on any website before or anything like that basically just offloading.
23 Years old now recently started living with an old school friend of mine.
For about 10 years now (Just a guess) I've been incredibly withdrawn from everyone and everything socially i stopped going to school i stopped eating at family dinners/at all sometimes and just spent all of my time in my room I've had a few girlfriends here and there because i could always hold a bravado (right word?) that i was incredibly confident and what not and instill this within the first meeting but as the years have been going along its got progressively worse where now i can't even muster up the strength to go and meet people new and even have trouble conversing with friends I've known for a long time ; I see a councellor / psycholigist and have done for quite some time I used to get frequent panic attacks/depression and the rest of it but yeh not as much these days more on a constant flat mood nowadays and have little care for a lot of things I wont go into details about my entire background but it was fairly bad from my own standpoint. I Smoke about 25-30 Ciggarettes a day ( Have done for a while now ) Although when i was younger i used to play a lot of sport and occasionally now i'll do mild exercise and remember how great it makes me feel etc but then i just stop and think whats the point because i still cant manage to find that confidence or anything even resembling it. What im really asking for is any of you others out there that have felt helpless as I do now and managed to make improvements How did u approach it and when did you realise it was getting rediculous and needed to stop. How did you get your love for life back
. I'm sure i'll complain a little more in the days to come but just want to see what sort of responses i get here.
p.s oh and for any of you who managed to get back into work and find it bearable let me know what sort of job positions you took that help put your mind at ease while u are struggling with these sort of things.
(Also if any random person that struggles to put themselves in others shoes first ; eg. The Whole :: JUST GET OVER IT Attitude. I will find u -_-
Take some time to REALLY think hard about how difficult it is for some of us just to cope with day to day life.)
23 Years old now recently started living with an old school friend of mine.
For about 10 years now (Just a guess) I've been incredibly withdrawn from everyone and everything socially i stopped going to school i stopped eating at family dinners/at all sometimes and just spent all of my time in my room I've had a few girlfriends here and there because i could always hold a bravado (right word?) that i was incredibly confident and what not and instill this within the first meeting but as the years have been going along its got progressively worse where now i can't even muster up the strength to go and meet people new and even have trouble conversing with friends I've known for a long time ; I see a councellor / psycholigist and have done for quite some time I used to get frequent panic attacks/depression and the rest of it but yeh not as much these days more on a constant flat mood nowadays and have little care for a lot of things I wont go into details about my entire background but it was fairly bad from my own standpoint. I Smoke about 25-30 Ciggarettes a day ( Have done for a while now ) Although when i was younger i used to play a lot of sport and occasionally now i'll do mild exercise and remember how great it makes me feel etc but then i just stop and think whats the point because i still cant manage to find that confidence or anything even resembling it. What im really asking for is any of you others out there that have felt helpless as I do now and managed to make improvements How did u approach it and when did you realise it was getting rediculous and needed to stop. How did you get your love for life back
p.s oh and for any of you who managed to get back into work and find it bearable let me know what sort of job positions you took that help put your mind at ease while u are struggling with these sort of things.
(Also if any random person that struggles to put themselves in others shoes first ; eg. The Whole :: JUST GET OVER IT Attitude. I will find u -_-
Take some time to REALLY think hard about how difficult it is for some of us just to cope with day to day life.)