Well-known member
I often read about why people do the things that they do. Why some seem to succeed in life, and others are always repeating the same mistakes and failures , over and over. In regards to social phobia, from what i have read...the person became highly sensitive to critisim, emotional trauma, taunting, bullying, over protective parenting..the list goes on. For the majority, it begins in early childhood, as our mind absorbs every word, thought, vision, teachings..everything good and bad...and the mind accepts what we believe to be true. I was about to type the story of why i became the person i am. Then i remembered, that that would be dwelling on the past. It happened and it's in the past..which serves me no more purpose. Sure, it affected my thinking in many ways, but going back in my head and reliving the painful moments does absolutely nothing to make myself a stronger and better person. This is what this post is about= take time to understand yourself, what truly made you the way you are today, and look at what you have to do to overcome the past and be content. Say goodbye to yesterday and awaken to today. ALWAYS LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT, do not try to live in the future....first, because you can't, in the future creates fear and stress of what may or may not happen--our own mind creating fears based on fantasies. Take care of your body with good nourishing foods and clean water, and also take care of your mental health with good clean positive thoughts, and with GOOD people. Aint it funny how we take better care of our cars,pets,homes,books, etc.----then the time we invest in ourselves, to keep our own body and minds clean of the impurities we collect over the years as we walk thru this life. Wish everyone the best, i hope you all find peace in your minds.