understanding myself..understanding yourself.


Well-known member
I often read about why people do the things that they do. Why some seem to succeed in life, and others are always repeating the same mistakes and failures , over and over. In regards to social phobia, from what i have read...the person became highly sensitive to critisim, emotional trauma, taunting, bullying, over protective parenting..the list goes on. For the majority, it begins in early childhood, as our mind absorbs every word, thought, vision, teachings..everything good and bad...and the mind accepts what we believe to be true. I was about to type the story of why i became the person i am. Then i remembered, that that would be dwelling on the past. It happened and it's in the past..which serves me no more purpose. Sure, it affected my thinking in many ways, but going back in my head and reliving the painful moments does absolutely nothing to make myself a stronger and better person. This is what this post is about= take time to understand yourself, what truly made you the way you are today, and look at what you have to do to overcome the past and be content. Say goodbye to yesterday and awaken to today. ALWAYS LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT, do not try to live in the future....first, because you can't, secondly...living in the future creates fear and stress of what may or may not happen--our own mind creating fears based on fantasies. Take care of your body with good nourishing foods and clean water, and also take care of your mental health with good clean positive thoughts, and with GOOD people. Aint it funny how we take better care of our cars,pets,homes,books, etc.----then the time we invest in ourselves, to keep our own body and minds clean of the impurities we collect over the years as we walk thru this life. Wish everyone the best, i hope you all find peace in your minds. :) :) :)


Well-known member
hiya savage_beagle..yeah...that's got me pegged...i spend much too much of my time dwelling on shit that's happened...or not happened.. in the past..or worrying and stressing about stuff going on in the future :roll:


Well-known member
if you want results, work for them.

HI again! By nature , i am very helpful. I am an aries, and its been written about aries that we are born leaders. We are also the type of people who see solutions and get frustrated as we try to guide and help others thru problems we went thru ourselves. Roughly 2 years ago, i realized i needed to stop my bullshit..the cycle of bad moods/depression/anger/self loathing/anger/anxiety/doubt and worries. I was a fucking mess. So i will tell you what i did to help myself, as i mentioned in previous posts. I stopped smoking 1-1/2 packs of ciggs a day, i started long walks, i avoided negative people (family included), negative violent tv shows, the NEWS (warps your thinking of the world), i started to feed my body good wholsome food i bought and cooked. I CUT OUT soda pop (its just flavored sugared crap--no nutrients at all), i looked into vitamin and herbal supplements...guess what? HUGE improvement --my mental clarity is so much more focused, i dont get depressive eposoides, my moods have dissapeared , and i am enthusiastic in my daily life. Confidence levels started to slowly rise..self esteem improved.HERE is what helped me immensely.....reading positive books and articles, psychology books,positive thinking articles online....and here is the book that really got the ball rolling, for me. THE POWER OF NOW...do an amazon.com search or google and you will read about the book and understand why it helped me think better...it is all about learning to live in the present moment as it unfolds..to not live in the past. THE past is done and over with..not to be relived in your mind...only to recall it for certain purposes(that are helpful or happy) and the same with living in the future..where we create fear of the unknown..where stress and anxiety comes from. READ that book..it can be a heavy read at some points , but if you try..it will sink in and you will understand where i am coming from. I am in no way telling you i am ''perfect''',i am a human being with flaws who is trying to improve and i am constantly trying to learn new ways to be happy with who i am and what i can be. In reality, i am a survivor, and i got a thing or 2 to teach others about life. :wink: EVERYONE, i truly wish this coming monday is a better day then the last. :)


Well-known member
believe in yourself.

I forgot to mention in the post above:BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.---- What you need to do is read to yourself a lot of daily affirmations (I am confident and courageous, I can do anything, I make eye contact and smile with everyone i meet, I am always positive and optimistic)....and believe them to be true. What you are doing is reversing all the early childhood negative beliefs, and replacing them with positive thoughts about yourself and of others. YOU have to believe in these phrases...you have to acknowledge them as the truth...as it always was...you just got off the path temporarily. TRY saying this to yourself in your head..and slowly outloud...I BELIEVE IN MYSELF......remember, don't wait for anyone or anything to save yourself from self inflicted misery, just get back on the right path and believe in yourself..that you are worthy, that you can be whoever you want...all you have to do..IS TRY.