Um... Hi?

gummy bear

Hello there :) I've suffered with excessive sweating of the head and face for many years. It seems to occur during unrelated situations so I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly why it happens. I was fortunate enough to be prescribed Botox injections which were put in my forehead, worked great but the NHS pulled the plug after a year because it was too expensive.

A lot of information on this particular forum seems to be aimed at other, more typical areas (armpits, hands, feet) as do the remedies for HH, which I can understand as it must be awful. But can anyone give me advice about treating just the head area and what might be causing it?

I'd appredciate any advice :)


Well-known member
If you look through the sticky at the top of the page you will see the best results for facial/head sweating...

'Facial - Secure wipes, Sweat-Stop Aloe Vera Lotion plus+, Hydrosal gel, antiperspirants, oral medication'

Hydrosal gel would be my recommendation first as it has no real side effects, if you have no luck with it then try the secure wiped.

gummy bear

Hydrosal gel would be my recommendation first as it has no real side effects, if you have no luck with it then try the secure wiped.

Thanks Knickerless (are you really?). I notice you're in London, could you give me an idea where I could get those items from? Are they prescription only?

gummy bear

I've had a look at Not sure what currency it uses but it seems a little expensive whether dollars, euros or pounds. Does anyone know if the hydrosal gel is available on prescription in the uk or anything else that might help me. I recently purchased a pre paid medical card so get free prescriptions for the next three months. I'm sure my gp would prescribe something if I asked her to.