

This is my only problem, I could live with all the other stuff, but twitching it the thing that kills me, my head twitches when i'm extremely nervous, and sometimes when i'm not, even in my own house, when i'm thinking about the social phobia. How do I stop this? I feel like even I'd have social phobia for the rest of my life, that's fine, even if I can't beat it, i'm not gonna let it effect my life to the point where i'm depressed constantly.

I found that if you put a "pep in your step" and just believe in yourself, set your own pace, just be fly for lack of better words, and not care what people think this is easy to live's just this twitching that is annoying and reminds me about the whole phobia thing, anybody know how to stop this?


Look, i'm positive. :lol:


Well-known member
I'm a pretty twitchy person, although that's just me, nothing to do with SA (I don't think). Anyway, I've found that when I've tried to do meditation, my twitchyness drops away to practically nothing. Have you ever tried it? It's a great state to be in, and you can take that state of calmness with you, being able to call it up when you need it, which really helps when you're stressed. Don't ask me any more about it, I'm really new to it :oops:

About putting a 'pep in your step' - that's great advice to anyone. I think I'll remember that. You seem to have a great attitude :D


Thanks, i'll look into that meditation, I do find myself 'running a hundred miles an hour' from this stuff, even a deep breath helps, but this twitching is simply annoying.

And thanks for the comment at the end, i'm really trying to flip all this into a positive, to not let it run my life.

Any other suggestions to stop twitching?



Hiya i get really bad twitching iswell especially if theres people around me and its quiete. I hate it my head twitches none stop and my hands shake i feel like a right weirdo because i think everyon is looking at my head twitching. Can someone please help me for some ideas to stop the twitching. Thanksx :(