I just got an account on this website because for the past year and a half i have been struggling with anxiety really bad. For some reason one day i all of a sudden had a really hard time making eye contact with people. All of a sudden everyday became such a hassle because simple conversations and walking past people in hallways became extremely difficult to handle. If someone looked at me and called my name, i would think "oh my god i have to look at this person, and when i did i would end up giving them like "weird eyes". I ended up thinking about it more and more day in and day out, wondering if people thought i was weird or thinking "Why is he looking at me like that". Around my family i do a little bit better. It's really the initial process of me looking into their eyes and then once i get locked in to their eyes, i feel a little better. It's causing me to isolate. I'm also a former drug addict and was addicted to cocaine. I probably started using drugs to self medicate myself in the first place because of my insecurities and anxietys. But while using the cocaine this "eye problem" started. Now that im clean for over a year and it hasn't gone away, i'm afraid i'm damaged for good, it's affecting every part of my life, i'll walk three blocks out of my way, just so i don't have to walk past people who will be staring at me. I find it hard to work. I just wan't to be normal. I've tried to face these fears and put my self in social situations which might help me get over it. I'll feel better and then the feelings just come back. I saw a psychiatrist and I'm taking Paxil and depakot to help, and i do feel a little better. If anyone has any suggestions or can relate, please post. Thanks