Treatments for public speaking


I have got a load of presentations to do soon and the only way i am going to be able to do them is by taking something that is going to calm my nerves.

Otherwise I am going to have to leave college (as pathetic as that sounds lol)

And practicing in the mirror or whatever just ain't gonna work basically, the anxiety is so bad.

Is there anything out there that will kill the anxiety but won't make my eyes roll to the back of my head :lol:


Well-known member
I wish I could help! : ( I have two classes that require about 3-4 presentations. I reallly dread my public speaking class. I am scared that it is going to prevent me from even graduating in May. I am sort of ashamed to admit this, but I drink a little before hand. It's actually not a good idea at all (at least for me) because I feel like I go overboard sometimes and the consequences could be bad if I get caught. And even if I don't get caught, it can potentailly be embarrassing. Even when I drink, I am never really that comfrotable anyway.

SO.. I decided to stop that for my next speeches. As long as I pass these classes that is all I care about. What is the minimum grade that you need to pass the class? I think if you at least get up there and present what you can (as follow the requirements as best as you can) that you have to at least pass.


Active member
don't use alcohol it may even increase your anxiety if you don't drink so mch that you're stoned :D
some time ago i had to do a speech and i took inderal which really helped a lot.


Well-known member
I tryed some rescue remedy but it didnt help at all. I ended up dinking the whole bottle in one go and still didnt work lololololol