Too shy to go into public places


New member
I often find myself walking past places like shops, art galleries etc and feel to shy to go in. I feel like everyone is looking at me, that i stand out or am an intruder.. it's even worse if I have to interact with someone. like going into a gallery and there are people on the doors watching people coming in and out, or into a shop and staff keep asking if i need any help. anyone else get this feeling?


well at least you walk by in the first place. it's hard for me to get out the house and just walk.
I dunno I guess it isn't that hard tho once I'm out there.. I might feel a little self conscious every now and then or I might think about who's looking at me, etc.


It's mostly the anticipation anxiety that stops me. I get put off because of past experiences, or just by seeing couples out and about.

I would feel bad and lame because i would usually be on my own, and i'd compare my situation to theirs.

Now i have got to notice that every time i manage go out, it is a positive step towards happiness.

Hopefully i will get over my anxiety and be able to go out without panicking. The hope needs to change to reality.
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Well-known member
I often find myself walking past places like shops, art galleries etc and feel to shy to go in. I feel like everyone is looking at me, that i stand out or am an intruder.. it's even worse if I have to interact with someone. like going into a gallery and there are people on the doors watching people coming in and out, or into a shop and staff keep asking if i need any help. anyone else get this feeling?

i feel more 'ok' in social situations than in the past.But shops?shops can be scary.especially the small ones with one or two assistants watching me.brrrr...sometimes i end up buying staff i didn even want to just to get out of there::p:

some uplifting music helps before you go out.and maybe as you get closer and closer to the place you are going, try to make yourself a bit pissed off.get in a*stop staring at me or i'll kick your ass attidute'.it's not 'healthy' and it's not the solution but it's better than feeling everyone is gonna jump on you
I don't remember if I ever been in clothes shop alone. I go there with my mom or sometimes with a friend. Atleast I'm economical... I have a stupid feeling that going in the shop alone is bad. I don't know where I get this thought :|


Well-known member
Yes I do find going into some shops quite difficult, like supermarkets if they're busy, and sometimes even take aways. I hate going to get fish and chips from up the road, even if I really feel like them, I usually just end up eating something that's already in the house instead.
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