too crazy to have friends


does anyone feel they fit into this category:)

i think i have a sign on me that sais "danger please avoid"

its kind of strange really, cause im so kind and nice natured:D
people have always said that im crazy, but people tell lies all the time.
there was a woman who came into my work about 100 years ago and she was buying a birthday card for something, and i was totally nice to her, asked her how her familly was and all that kind of ****, and she said stuff like oh ones at university studying how to be bigger prick than he already was! and ones got married with 2 kids and has a degree on making toast!

she sais "hows your mum getting on?"
i said "aye shes fine, just as crazy as ever you know"
and then she sais "some of it must of rubbed onto you"::(:

she must of been reading the paper or something and seen me in it, shes lucky i was in a good mood that day :)

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
you've got a crapload of friends on here, whatcha talkin about?

one things for sure, it seems like people have a sixth sense and can tell you're "off" right away. plus other crazy folks go to you like a magnet. takes one to know one, i guess. we mine as well all tatoo deranged on our foreheads, to save people the two seconds its takes for them to figure it out
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