Today was a good day! I was very talkative!


Well-known member
English class - I talked a lot to the kid next to me.

Lunch - I didn't really talk to anyone other than to order my sandwich, but I actually stayed and sat down in the cafe to eat instead of just taking my sandwich to go and just eating by myself in my dorm room.

Math class - I talked some to the kid behind me. and we worked together on a partner quiz yesterday.

Marketing class - I talked some with the kids sitting around me about the homework and the test and everything.

Business Class - I talked some at the beginning of class to a kid who's in all of my classes and who I'm working with on a group project in this business class

Then I'm doing this thing where I'm a conversation partner with someone from a different country. I just got a new one today and we were having our first meeting today. She introduced me to one of her friends, then we walked to this bakery place to eat at and talked the whole walk. Then her friend left and just the two of us sat down and talked for about an hour.

I took the trolley back to my dorm building, and talked to some guy in a business suit the whole ride. We had a good conversation.

And now I'm talking online with my friend from back home, and we're making plans to do something this weekend.

So yeah, wow. Today was just a really great day for me. I spoke well and I don't even think I blushed when talking to any of these people. Damn, I feel great right now. haha. :D


Well-known member
that's awesome PhantomPod!!!!!! :p ....feels good to have a day like that doesn't it...maybe your good day will turn into a good tomorrow also.....p.s. thank-you....reading about your good day cheered me up :)


Well-known member
Yeah, I really hope it will turn into a good tomorrow. I think it will, I'm having good positive thoughts about it. :D I kind of had a breakdown on Monday and was crying and talking to my mom and everything (it was half school related things and half the fact that I had pms and was feeling very emotional. lmao.), and she said I should just try and make it my goal to talk to one new person each day. So I tried, and I definitely accomplished that. I talked to 3 new people today! :eek: 8) aww, wow, I'm glad my post was able to cheer you up!! :D


Well-known member's nice you have your Mom to talk to about stuff and she gives you good advice....that's cool 8)


Well-known member
Well done Phantom Pod. I just read your postings and they made me smile too :) I feel high when I have a good day as well - it makes me feel ready to 'take on more' and realise that most people aren't actually that bad - infact they're really nice. It also challenges my false beliefs that I have that I can't cope in social senarios and I'm always awkward and people hate me ...and all the usual inaccurate assumptionsetc etc etc

People get to see more of the 'real us' when we're more open and talkative. It's such a wonderful thing being able to connect with others.

Keep it up ;)


Well-known member
Thanks all!! :D Today looks like it's shaping up to be a real great day too. I hope you have nice days as well!! :D


Well-known member
Alright! Just reading your post made me happy. When you’re able to speak to people and think you did a good job doing so – isn’t the feeling a big rush?! During the once-in-a-blue-moon times it happens to me, I’m like, “I DID IT! I SPOKE! Wow, maybe I made a friend! I just can’t believe it!” Cloud nine! Anyway, congratulations. You’re giving us hope.


Well-known member
Yeah, it feels nice to talk to people, specially lots of em.

a good addiction. get it for yourself :wink: