tired of the embarassment..


Hi.. new here.. seeking information and treatment from other will similiarlities.

I have never thought of this to be a "medical" problem but I do find it abnormal but always just figured it was cuz I was overweight. As I understand I have more body weight and would get warmer faster, etc.. it seems more than just that.

Its basically just in my face and being a female and 30.. its embarassing.. causes so much anxiety and keeps me from doing things. I avoid social situations cuz of it.. stop drinking cuz i get so hot and i just sweat. I sweat when coming from really cold to normal temps or if its humid, i just dont stop. I can sweat from just mild activity. It doesnt take much for my face to sweat and sometimes it just drips down my face.. i hate it .. so embarassing.. i just will keep my head down and try to wipe it off or run to the bathroom and try to cool down. I always think people are just thinking of this fat chick sweating and how gross it is and what not.

anyone have this same problem? and if so, what has helped to remedy the sweating on the face? Please help :/


Well-known member
Hi.. new here.. seeking information and treatment from other will similiarlities.

I have never thought of this to be a "medical" problem but I do find it abnormal but always just figured it was cuz I was overweight. As I understand I have more body weight and would get warmer faster, etc.. it seems more than just that.

Its basically just in my face and being a female and 30.. its embarassing.. causes so much anxiety and keeps me from doing things. I avoid social situations cuz of it.. stop drinking cuz i get so hot and i just sweat. I sweat when coming from really cold to normal temps or if its humid, i just dont stop. I can sweat from just mild activity. It doesnt take much for my face to sweat and sometimes it just drips down my face.. i hate it .. so embarassing.. i just will keep my head down and try to wipe it off or run to the bathroom and try to cool down. I always think people are just thinking of this fat chick sweating and how gross it is and what not.

anyone have this same problem? and if so, what has helped to remedy the sweating on the face? Please help :/

Many of us have this problem (the fancy term is craniofacial hyperhydrosis).
Check earlier threads--you'll find many suggestions.

Secure or Maxim wipes can help. If it's "just" your face, the wipes can be a good answer.
I use Hydrosal gel on my face. It's not prescription but you might have to ask the pharmacist for it. Use at night, wash off in morning. Stops my head & face from dripping rivers of sweat. Your face gets a bit red & feels hot but at least it stays dry. On really hot days I take 1 mg of Avert in the morning & again if I need it in the afternoon. I also take it if I'm going to be around people in a warm place like a waiting room so everyone doesn't stare at me for having buckets of sweat just sitting there reading a magazine. I'm also somewhat heavy & pushing 50 & female so I know how you feel. Help is available. I love being able to talk to other people about it without being judged.


New member
I have the same problem and it has contributed to my involuntary celibacy of over 10 years. I find the best solution so far is to use a benzodiazepine to calm your nerves in a stressful situation. I use Clonazepam and find it often eliminates the sweating completely. The downside is that benzos are addictive and probably not a good long term solution. There is a drug called Robinul which apparently has been successful in treating craniofacial sweating specifically. I haven't tried it yet.

I feel your pain though. It is a truly painful condition to have.


Well-known member
Hi.. new here.. seeking information and treatment from other will similiarlities.

I have never thought of this to be a "medical" problem but I do find it abnormal but always just figured it was cuz I was overweight. As I understand I have more body weight and would get warmer faster, etc.. it seems more than just that.

Its basically just in my face and being a female and 30.. its embarassing.. causes so much anxiety and keeps me from doing things. I avoid social situations cuz of it.. stop drinking cuz i get so hot and i just sweat. I sweat when coming from really cold to normal temps or if its humid, i just dont stop. I can sweat from just mild activity. It doesnt take much for my face to sweat and sometimes it just drips down my face.. i hate it .. so embarassing.. i just will keep my head down and try to wipe it off or run to the bathroom and try to cool down. I always think people are just thinking of this fat chick sweating and how gross it is and what not.

anyone have this same problem? and if so, what has helped to remedy the sweating on the face? Please help :/

Hi katgrrl, I have the same thing. My coping techniques:

- Wear a baseball cap when I can to hide and soak up forehead sweat

- Go to the nearest bathroom, sit down and cool off when I am very sweaty,
then go back to what I was doing

- Get around in an air conditioned car

- Hang out in air conditioned places like an office, mall, movie theater,
restaurant where I can sit a lot and the temperature is cool

- Take elevators when possible since mild activity like going up 2 flights of stairs makes me sweat

As for medication I have had moderate success with 4mg Robinul/Avert. It can help sometimes