Time I tried to ask a girl out


Well-known member
I'll never forget the time I actually told a girl I liked her. It was the first and only time I ever told a girl I liked her. She was perfect, at the time, for me. I won't go into detail, but it went like this: I told her i liked her (on msn, go figure) and she said she wasn't interested in guys until she got into university and had her life planed out, that was when she wanted to start dating. Well thats cool, I thought, so i left it at that. Anyway, a few months later I find out shes been going out with some guy (who i hated) and he asked her out AFTER i had! I was crushed, I can't even begin to describe how I felt. I was pissed off for at least 4 days straight and she acted like we never even had that conversation.

They didn't last very long but regardless of that, the fact she did something like that tells me what she thought of me. It was 3 years ago but from that day on I still haven't recovered from what she did. Now shes in some university in another province and from her facebook she might as well be a whore. Some of me i glad i didn't get involved with her but at the same time I still feel what could have been. :cry:


Well-known member

I know the feeling. Even tho you are glad you never got involved youre still cant be sure what would of happened. Its that not knowing that drives people like us with Anxiety nuts.