throbbing of the throat area


hey can anyone out there feel and see their throat area throbbing all the time ,like there is a heart in your throat. I have had this problem for all my life now and i was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem???????

the throbbing gets really bab when i get nervous


Well-known member
bamboo said:
hey can anyone out there feel and see their throat area throbbing all the time ,like there is a heart in your throat. I have had this problem for all my life now and i was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem???????

the throbbing gets really bab when i get nervous

Yes, I get it mostly when I become anxious about talking. It is a horrible feeling. I can feel my throat muscles tightening and it becomes difficult to breathe.

It is interesting you say "second heart" in the new-age scene, it is believed this is where a main energy point lies, and when it is "dysfunctional" it leads to throbbing, difficulty in speaking and emotional expression etc.


Well-known member
No problem. Just a note on "Chakras" they are based on Yoga, and supposedly are metaphysical energetic centres in the body and govern specific physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. Whether they exist or not is debatable, there has been positive evidence that they do exist in some form and they are related to the Endrocine system.

In terms of SA, the main Chakras are the throat(self-expression), the heart(courage) and the Solar Plexus(confidence) when these are acting up, it causes anxiety, fear and difficulty in communication and in worst cases, physical disease in the area.

To heal the Chakras, you can go either all new age, consult some Reiki healing practitioners, wear particular colors more, perform Yoga meditation, state positive affirmations and get the relevant crystals or just follow on the healing guidelines given on the website.

HEALING STRATEGY: Learn communication skills, letter writing, inner child communication, practice silence (excessive), story telling, singing, chanting, toning, release voice, loosen neck and shoulders

This is all very good stuff. I have also found singing and writing helps reduce the stress on the throat area. If you do try any of this, please do keep me updated on how it is goin.