this was weird


Well-known member
Ok, on Friday my dad and i had to go to a supermarket (Tesco if you know it) to get my grans shopping, coz she can't really do it anymore. and we had just put the shopping on the relayer belt at the counter, and was waiting for our turn. And i was watching the woman on the counter, and she was counting out those blue voucher things (people who shop there would know them) that you get so that you can take them to school and the school gets free computers or something like that. So she was counting some out of a pile and took them off, but instead of asking, and giving them to the man who she was serving, she looked straight at me, with the vouchers in her hand held a little so that i could see them and we made eye contact for what seemed like hours, but she didn't say nothing, then to break the silence i said "No" in a quiet shy voice, coz i didn't know what else to say, but was thinking that she's probably gesturing that whether i collect them. Then she said "You don't collect them?" and i said the no again in a small voice, then she turned away and waited for the man to move, so that we could be served.
Now that was very weird, that she asked me about those vouchers first but not the man who she was serving, and it was weird that all of a sudden she just looked at me with the vouchers in her hand but didn't say anything at first. I was so embaressed, and it was quite packed with lots of other people lining up at the tills, and i had a feeling everyone was looking at me. I didn't know whether to say "What?" or "Or can i help you?" or just give her the 'yes' expression, but me figuring that she probably did mean that do i collect the vouchers i just said no. but i sounded really stupid. My dad didn't know, coz i think he was looking somewhere else.
Has anyone else had this problem before. Someone just looking at you for a while without saying anything, and then you feel really ackward in how to break the stare and silence?


Active member
I haven't had this exact experience but we've all had situations where we feel a bit like this.

When you're feeling phobic sometimes time seems to go on forever. So you may be exaggerating the amount of time she was looking at you because you felt so embarrassed, and she might not have noticed anything odd.

I don't know about the coupons but if they're used for school do you think she offered them directly to you because she thought you could use them at school, whereas the man she was serving was older? I don't know how old you are - it's just a guess.


Well-known member
yea, she might've been, but then that man could've had children and he could've passed them on to them to give to their school. I don't go to school anymore, i'm 19 so the coupons wouldn't have done me any good.


Well-known member
Hmm that does seem odd,but chances are you are right and it was about the vouchers,i have been in tesco before and had some 1 from a different till to the 1 i was at looking at me,everytime i looked the person was looking at me .Had no idea why and wasnt about to go ask heh.


Well-known member
aaawww Boundless but that might not have been a bad thing, he (if you are a she) or she (if you are a he) lol might have been looking at you coz he/she might've been interested in you :wink:


Well-known member
Well i am male and yes she was female so you may be onto something there :eek:
But then again i dont exactly see my self as attractive so that wouldnt really enter my mind,and if it did i wouldnt believe it.Damn confidence issues! :evil: