They don't get it.


New member
I have a job that suite me well. I'm an Office Manager of a "decentralized" company, meaning I'm the only one here full-time. My boss comes in once or twice a week for half a day, but that's it. I actually really like her, mostly because she realizes where my limits are. She gives me a great deal of autonomy and as long as I do my work, she's not concerned. Of course, I dread answering the phone. Everyone tells me that I have such a pleasant, soothing voice - and I don't get it because it's an act and it is exhausting. I really hate it... but I need to eat so I do it.

Well, we actually share our office with a larger company. One of the ladies in the other company is leaving and they're having a big lunch for her at a restaurant.

Thankfully, though, my office is in the "back wing" of their suite and I rarely have to interact with any of them. I'm comfortable with most of them now, though... at least for generic greetings. I'm sure they all think I'm weird, though. Well, except the lady that's leaving. I like this lady and have known her for 5 years. She's the only one I'm really comfortable talking to.

Well, they've gone and scheduled her a goodbye luncheon at one of the loudest, busiest restaurants in town. I went there once, but only to pick up a to-go order... and I practically ran out of there hyperventilating. It was a mad-house.

NOw, they've kindly invited me to go... but I just don't want to. I can't handle sitting there with all that noise and all those people watching me eat while they have a merry time.

My boss told me that it would be really rude if I didn't go, and that they're expecting me there. I really like this lady but I think she would understand my's just that none of the others do.

They're all leaving in 20 minutes and I'm shaking already and about to cry. I think I might even throw up. :(

It's all so irrational and I want to slap myself. It's just lunch. It's supposed to be fun. I'm really going to miss her.

But all I can do is think that I'm going to go and end up in a corner where I can't escape when I need to run to the bathroom to puke.

Why can't they just let me stay here by myself?


Well-known member
I hope it went well. I understand your feelings. But sometimes exposure can be a big help to alleviate our anxieties. Maybe you can schedule a time when just the two of you go out for a meal. In a less crowded, more quiet place. I can relate to that.