These Parts Will Never Dry (Picture included)


When using PerspireX, no matter how many months I continue usage, the parts shown in the following picture will never seem to dry.

Maybe there's a special method to drying it, otherwise, I'm stuck to only applying the lotion when the glands are at it's weakest.

For users of other methods (Idromed-4, surgery, etc.), can you tell me if these parts of your hands ever dry?

NOTE: That's not my hand. I yoinked it from Wikipedia. I used Photoshop to add the "never dries" spots.


Well-known member
Well I think especially with the fingertips it's hard to get them dry. I've had botox injections in my palms, but the sides still sweat and on top of that they wouldn't inject the botox in the fingertips because there are even more nerves there which would cause a lot of pain.