

I saw a therapist over five years or so ago, but I doubt that my experience was typical. All I really remember her doing is having me answer questions on a scale of 1-5, the sort you'd find on the internet. Which is fine for the internet, but I'd expect more from a flesh-and-blood person. Because of my visits with her, I am a bit cynical about trying again, but my OCD has worsened so much in the past years that it would be best for me and everyone that has to put up with me regularly to give it another shot.

Can anyone tell me about their experiences with therapy? Like any specific things you found helpful, or anything you didn't find helpful at all? Is there anyone out there also going it alone, and have you made any breakthroughs? Or is therapy really the only viable route to improvement?

And would you suggest medication, or is therapy fine by itself? Personally I am hesitant to start taking any medication.

Thanks in advance.
well I was on prazine, then largactil( i think that's thorazin).. and i kinda got annoyed by my ocd, so started CBT mysekf, like I was afraid to touch my face.. so i said i
ll touch it so what.. I can;t live like this anymore.. and as I kept touching my face(lol), i didn't fear bacteria that much.. and eventually got rid of most of it..but iunno if my thing was just a puberty/adolescent thing.. iunno how old u are, but there is always hope.. CBT is good,.. and if one therapist wasn't good, doesn't mean the other won;t be.. :)


Thank you for replying, chained!

I'm eighteen myself, and I was diagnosed with OCD when I was twelve or so. It has gotten to the point where I want to wash my hands after touching just about anything, including my own skin. I'm very glad to hear that you have overcome your OCD mostly! It's very reassuring to me. I may be trying CBT in the future, if I can find anyone in the area trained in it.


Well-known member
I started CBT on my own with the use of books from the library. So see what you can find. Heaps cheaper than a therapist. It suggests you have an OCD ally. So a close friend or relative who you can talk to about it who can understand what you're going through, so that's useful if you don't have a therapist.


i was just recently diagnosed with OCD, but mine is Pure-O, (mostly obsessional thoughts, well one imparticular that i cant get rid of) about 6 months ago and have been going to therapy since then. I have been on citalopram (celexa) as well and i think that both of those combined has REALLY suppressed my thoughts. I have had a great experience with my therapist. He uses evidence based techniques and has me use that evidence to convince myself of reality rather than the alternate reality i form in my head. We have just recently began to dive into when my OCD began, and what may have triggered it, and what thoughts and memories i have that make my OCD flare up. I am beginning to normalize my thoughts, and not think about them nearly as much.

therapy has REALLY improved my quality of life. I suggest you do some research and find some therapists in your area that look like a good fit, and ask them upfront their techniques and what they plan to do before you begin to see them, that way you know beforehand so you can avoid getting into the same situation you had previously.

my family doctor is the one that prescribed me the medication and he is the one that suggested therapy. Medication combined with therapy is your best chance at overcoming this thing. OCD will always be a part of you as it will be for me, but we can learn tools to supress it and make our lives the best they can be. I was hopeless 6 months ago, I didnt even want to live anymore, and i can truley say that i am happier than i have ever been. Dont give up hope!!


Thank you very much for the advice!

Just this week I met with a therapist who I will be seeing again in April, and if that works out well, I guess I'll continue seeing her. Judging by my meeting with her this week, I can say she's an improvement from my first one. : ) I may look into medication as well. (She also suggested I go ahead with it.)

I really appreciate your reply!