The Worst most embarassing Moment?



Well once I was doing some work outside and some people were laughing behind me. I thought they were laughing at me and I got very embarrassed!


Well-known member
well i dont think this topic would really go anywhere because i have lots of embrassing moments but iam to shy to post them and i doubt youll find many people who arent shy on a shyness forum :p


Well-known member
hmmm... not to sound critical, but I find it mystifying why one would want to rehash one's most embarrassing moments (never mind broadcast them).

Only a few threads back was a similar topic, but the poster was in fact trying to forget their embarrassing moments.

Suit yourselves of course, but I believe reliving bad experiences is counterproductive. I suggested journalling, but there were other suggestions.

(I can think of humorous (i.e. where the humor trumped the embarrassment) mishaps of the past, but that's a whole other topic.)

haze said:
well i dont think this topic would really go anywhere because i have lots of embrassing moments but iam to shy to post them and i doubt youll find many people who arent shy on a shyness forum :p


Well-known member
shredz02 said:
i think rehashing embarrassing moments serve some good...

I certainly respect your opinion (if it works for you).

OTOH, for me it just turns into obsessing, and tends to re-create similar reactions. I don't forget - I just compartmentalize. It's in the journal if I need it.

We're all wired differently.


Active member
what we may find embarassing may be funny ot others. it all depends on how you feel and react to the situation. i have had few embarassing moments too, and it has not been easy forgettign them. now after quite some time, i find those embarassing moments rather funny :!:


Well-known member
anxiousmouse said:
what we may find embarassing may be funny ot others.

I'd say that's pretty much the definition of embarrassment ;)

Although, actually, if your overeaction is overly severe (or weird), it can leave onlookers themselves somewhat embarrassed or perplexed.

it all depends on how you feel and react to the situation.

Well, my point exactly. If your SP tendencies are severe, you often overreact. Those 'embarrassing' situations I've reacted to within a range of normalcy, I can easily later (or even at that time) find humor in, though seldom those I've overreacted to specifically because of SP.

Anyway, not arguing - just trying to clarify the issue of embarrassment as it often applies to SPers (as opposed to a 'normal' range of embarrassment).


Well-known member
I had to take a public speaking class just last year, and during my first presentation I picked the number 1, so I had to present first. I started off okay, but then lost my confidence and my voice started shaking and I found that I couldn't even speak, so I just kind of went like "yeah..." and ended my presentation early, grabbed my USB thing from the computer and went ot sit down as I started crying. Basically once I got to my seat I started sobbing and yeah, it was absolutely horrible! VERY embarrassing. I mean, everyone was nice about it and stuff, but still I was just like "oh gosh, they all think I'm such a weirdo now!"

Another time that year, I was in a different class with the same people and i had to make a presentation, and I started crying right before I had to go up to present. I was like hyperventalating and shit. Again, everyone was nice and the teacher was nice and said that I could just present next class. When I finally presented the next class I did alright and managed to get through it just with a red face and a shaky voice.

Such embarrassing moments! I hated that stupid fucking public speaking class.


Well-known member
My worst moment was in 8th grade English class. I was sitting in the last row by the door, and my teacher called on me to read an English problem aloud. As I was reading (my teacher on the opposite side of the room), asked if anyone heard me. A couple of kids admitted they didn't so she said "Stand on top of your chair and read it again." I thought was kidding, so I sort of chuckled, and then she said she was serious. SO, I had to stand up high on my chair and read it. I never felt so embarrassed . When I was done, she was like "That was much better." BUT I felt like crap and couldn't believe I was told to do that.

As far as embarrassing stories go, I think it is okay to talk about them again. It makes me think about how far I have gotten since. Maybe not sooo far, but better. It makes me sad/teary recalling it, but you also think "Hey I survived that, life went on." Etc.


Well-known member
mine was my 18th birthday. the whole day was a mess but the most embarrassing part was having to make a speech in front of 200 people (most i didn't know)..i said one sentence and backed out so my dad took over and said "she's just shy". i got so embarrassed and started tearing up and everyone went awwwwwe! then a few people tried to calm me down which just made me feel worse. so i hid and left my "party" and didn't come back until everyone was gone..and all of this was caught on video. :/