The secret cause(s) of being abnormal


Well-known member
This is not just for those with social anxiety, but more for those who suffer from being "strange, left out, behind, overwhelmed all the time no matter what," or being an odd duck in general. You know who you are, because you've felt this way all your life!

If you had your own conspiracy theory for what made you this way, I'd like to hear it.

Do you have strange relatives? Is one of your pathetic siblings going to be a virgin for longer than you are?

Were you born prematurely? Do you suspect your birth was affected by low oxygen, alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs? Did you pop out with the cord wrapped around your neck? Preeclampsia? Jaundice? Hard birth? Did your mother suffer anxiety attacks, or an injury, when you were in the womb? Was your cord clamped too early?

You fell and hit your head as an infant, but no one told you? Did you hit your head later on?

Basically, what's your cause?


I think it's also hereditary to some extent, and also the result of my dad and the way he dealt with things around the house and how he made everyone else feel. Also, the kids at school and not being able to face my bullies (though to be fair this was mostly because I was vastly outnumbered).

Also, processed foods and a general lack of proper nutrition throughout my formative years. The shit that used to be marketed to kids throughout the 80s and 90s was totally vile and people just sort of blindly bought things without really thinking about it. Probably something in the water as well. And my parents only quit smoking after I had left the house forever... it's amazing how leaving home saw such a marked improvement in my mood/energy levels, which I'm sure I could attribute to the freedom but also the fact that I was breathing clean air more often. Come to think of it, I DID hit my head as an infant and have a scar through my eyebrow to this very day.

I suppose I'm not completely free from blame either because I probably could have forced myself to do more things and learned how to deal with failure a lot better.
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