the middle sized groups


Well-known member
Its the middle sized groups that are the most frightening.

I realised i can hide in a large group of people. And 1 on 1, well at least the witnesses to my awkwardness are minimized.

But middle sized.. wow. Not long ago, I tried to be brave and speak up. To my horror the table politely quieted down to let me have the floor. Don't let me have the floor!! I don't want the floor!! Take the floor back adskjdfsdaf!!!

As frustrating as it is not having anything to say, its even more frustrating finally thinking of something and not being brave enough to say it.

any advice on steeling yourself up for this kind of situation?


Active member
I've had this happen to me too. I think people without SA (or at least without severe SA) are nervous around people who have it. So they treat you differently, which only makes you feel even more nervous. I've been in this situation where everyone gives you the floor, as if you were making some important announcement when all you really wanted to say was something like, "I like your shirt" to the person next to you. Generally I don't know what to say in that type of scenario, but I think next time I will say something like, "Jeeze, don't everybody talk at once," to ease off the pressure


Well-known member
This is so true. Just talking with a couple of people - no problem (most of the time). Large crowd - quite easily to "disappear" into. Middle sized groups...:eek: