The Matrix guy


I've managed to take control of my SA a few months ago, I can even say my SA has almost dissappeared. :)

Right now, I'm having a different problem (though way better than SA :D). I only sleep 5 hours, have "funny" dreams (like the meaning of existance, this was you then and this is you in 2 years time, the past has no sense to you now, the present is what counts and other funny dreams), I can't concentrate properly when studying and have a funny feeling that this life is somewhat fictional, similar to The Matrix film.

I think I know what's causing the problem, but I don't know how I'll solve it. Maybe, I'm more aware of what I have to do in my life. I've been blind all this time because I had SA, and now that SA is almost gone; I can see everything that's happening to me clearly.

My mind may make me think that this world is fictional because I really don't like all the things that have happend to me during these years. I guess that things will feel more real once I start to do things I've never done. :D

8O 3:39 am and still not feeling sleepy??? Guess I'll have to go to bed and try to sleep a little. :)

See you later guys.


I have been having some really weird dreams lately too. My dreams, on the other hand, seem to involve people that were in my life before the social phobia struck a few years ago. These dreams may be helpful, as I always seem to wake up with the feeling that I should try to contact these people that I dream about. However, my anxiety always stops me from doing so. It's so frustrating. How did you get past your anxiety anyways?



How did I get past my anxiety? Well, it was a 2007 new year resolution. :)

It all happened on christmas holiday. I woke up one day with a weird dream about SA. I was depressed and was really sick and tired of my SA.

So I thought to myself "Why do I have to suffer everyday the consecuences of SA?" I wrote "getting rid of SA" as one of my "new year resolutions" and then started thinking of a possible solution to getting rid of SA.

I came to the following conclusions:

1. Whenever I was talking to someone and suffering from SA, I would never give up and "fight back," talking as much as I could.

2. I would do the opposite of what SA made me do; if SA made me nervous and silent, I would try to talk as much as I could and be as happy as I could.

3. If I was afraid of doing something wrong, I would say to myself "Just do it; if you don't do it, you'll make an absolute fool of yourself; and if you do it wrong, maybe someone will laugh at you but nothing else."

4. I would start to do breathing exercises and meditation for relaxing at least once a day. If I'm speaking to someone and feel nervous and shaking, I would try to calm down by thinking in something good and by sitting down or relaxing my arms and legs.

5. If someone was laughing at something I was doing, I would laugh with them. In any other "stressful situations," I would try using comedy the best I could.

6. I would have to do some kind of activity with people of my age.

7. I would have to speak to someone I know of little or nothing at least once every two days.

It has been a tough year, and I have had many complicated situations during the year, but finally I've made a huge progress and I'm very happy of what I've done so far. I can even say my SA has almost dissappeared. :D I need to make a few friends and then everything will be fine. :)