The longer I wait, the harder it is to change... Agree?!


New member
Warning: You probably have something better to do than read this.

Okay, I had a good childhood until 9th grade. I went to this amazing
alternative school, ages 5-13, no grades, no homework, no tests. School started at 9:30, ended at 3:30. I had social anxiety even then, but life was still good. I was funny, talkative, and generally a good guy when you got to know me.

Then Public High school. It wasn't the work that was hard, in fact I found it redundant, unbelievably easy and mind numbing. The fact was I knew nobody. I had nobody to talk to, and I literally sat there. The kids around me were mostly assholes, and the ones who I thought were cool I never had the self-confidence to talk to. Everyone knew each other and seemed to fit in perfectly and be happy. I spent an entire year in silence and depression. I realized I had Bipolar. Then got into drugs, etc... I had one best friend left from my old school, me and him spent every second of free time together. we practically thought the same. I mean, we were close, but we have grown apart.

Now I've made some friends who I don't even like, I spend my days coming home from school feeling utter misery. I am so lonely, I just wish I could be an idiotic superficial person and just be GODDAMN HAPPY. I go to one of the best psychiatrists there is, but I can't change my life.

Okay, long story long (but somewhat shorter), the point of this is to ask: Does anyone feel they kind of lose themselves after a prolonged period of loneliness, lack of self-confidence, and misery. I have lost all my enthusiasm, and have a constant jaded look on my face. I am 15. I am talented, smart, artistic, musical, and I look good. Why do I have no confidence?! Why does no one have the slightest interest in becoming a close friend. Why is it that I push people away, because of my feeling of inadequacy. I am the biggest waste of potential. It kills me. The only reason I don't kill myself is because I know I am capable of so much, yet I've lived out so little of it. I just want someone to talk to, but no one is there. I have no real relationship to my family, to my "friends" at school, and I just can't find anyone.

I've ranted on and on. So if you have something bad to say, dont waste your time, I mean haven't I wasted enough of ur time lol. Well this was purely a selfish act, I just needed to vent.


Well-known member
I was the same in school. Id hang out with people who although I didnt dislike them, they never treated me as they treated anyone else. not like a friend. Id be quiet all day in school and then come home and be all by myself all night. never did anything on weekends either. never was in any photos with anyone.

but I wasnt superficial or dramatic or like any other common high school student. sometimes I wished I could just be "normal" but everyone older than me said no, stay the way you are. and when my friends needed someone who wasnt caught up in the BS drama i was there.

be proud of who you are. you said it yourself, youre smart, funny, and you seem really nice too. someone will come along and see it in you and remind you of who you really are.

I always felt weird ranting to people, but it def helps and I know hwere youre coming from, so if you need to rant or anything you can PM me if you like :)