The Linden method


Hi All

has anyone tried the Linden Method which states ----

In This Web Page,
I'll Show You How To
Eliminate Panic Attacks, Anxiety & Phobias Permanently

Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders ELIMINATED.
Drug Free...NO Gimmicks...

If so what is it like and how are you now, I have wanted to try it for months but cant afford the fee.

Just wanted to know if it has actually helped anyonhe out there?




No still havent found anyone whom has tried it but after reading the above it just sounds like yet one more person out there making money out of peoples mis fortunes.....

A lot of money for a load of all *****************

M x


New member
mona123 said:
Hi All

has anyone tried the Linden Method which states ----

In This Web Page,
I'll Show You How To
Eliminate Panic Attacks, Anxiety & Phobias Permanently

Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders ELIMINATED.
Drug Free...NO Gimmicks...

If so what is it like and how are you now, I have wanted to try it for months but cant afford the fee.

Just wanted to know if it has actually helped anyonhe out there?
hi no its not bull s**t just started using it and makes a lot of sense i got the entire program for free if you want to know how to get it private message me and i will tell you how


Well-known member
Yes, you have to be careful with anything you invest into nowadays. It is sad that so many people try to take advantage of other's misfortunes, but that is the reality of life. There will always be those who have no dignity and compassion for others and will do anything to take even candy from a baby. You are smart in trying to get information about this product before making a purchase. Maybe you should try going to your local library and look into what self help books they have there. If you are in school or college, go to your school counselor and ask for assistance in finding self help books or other materials. (If going to your local library is too much for you, ask a family member to go for you.)
I haven't used the Linden Method, but I did use another similar book. I have been panic free now for about 1 year. Take a look at my blogs as I will go into detail on the lifestyle changes that I went through to become panic free.


I've used it and it does work!
I haven't had a panic attack since I fininshed with it.
I still get bad anxiety, but that's because I'm withdrawing from benzo's.
Once I've finished my benzo withdrawal I'm positive that the linden method will get rid of my anxiety.
It is really expensive but they have a money back guarantee - for life.
They asked me to do a testimonial for their website and they sent me a url for the linden method at a discounted price (I don't know why - they knew I already had it!)
Here it is if anyones interested.....not too sure how many people can use the offer:

And if anyone is guessing.... no, I don't work for these guys, I'm not a salesman and I get nothing in return for anyone buying it!


hmm seems dubious to me, although Ive heard for some people its worked, others it hasent, I surpose the money back guarentee gives you piece of mind. :roll:


New member
That's interesting...I just read the blog site, and these are techniques I have employed and am benefiting from! I dont' think I need to buy a book or sign up for anything. This is advice I have given to my own children: Bend like a tree in the wind--and you won't break

Learning to ride out the symptoms of my attacks has given me peace. I have shorter and less severe attacks. I accept that I am having an attack and 'know' that it will ebb and flow and eventually subside. I stop myself from any negative thinking during any episode. It only makes it worse. To accept the heartrate, dizziness, tunnelvision, nausea, chills...sweating...and KNOW it is just chemical, not a death sentence, is GOLDEN. I accept this sensation, and ride it a breeze through the trees.
It saved me from a full blown panic attack one evening on a long bridge with a carload of kids. I felt it coming on, and knowing that I had no shoulder on this bridge, I had only myself to calm me. So, I focused on the sunset (while my head was full of cobwebs and they were blowing around!)...and I prayed for peace and calm. I breathed with slow calming breaths...thinking only of the sunset and God guiding me through this out of body experience. I focused on my calm thoughts...the prayer...peace.
I reached the end of the bridge (a 7-8 minute long bridge), and found that I was relaxing and didn't need to pull over. I had survived my first attack without melting down! I had the POWER to ride it out and LIVE through it. I discovered that it didn't escalate to unbearable proportions. It leveled out before it could peak. I rode it out with GRACE.
I have never been so proud! I am in power! It is something that has given me strength to ride out all the others...and none have been as bad as the ones in the beginning. They are easing up as I practice my calming thoughts and accepting the sensations.

I just want others to know that you have the power to live with this. I am self-taught and don't subscribe to any 'school' or 'author'.

And I had one of the 'worst' True Panic Disorder cases my doctors had seen.


I have been looking at the Linden method too and had a couple of questions for those who have bought and tried it.

Is it more for treating people who have anxiety/panic attacks, or does it help with dealing with fears, social phobias and extreme self conciousness?


timmid said:
I have been looking at the Linden method too and had a couple of questions for those who have bought and tried it.

Is it more for treating people who have anxiety/panic attacks, or does it help with dealing with fears, social phobias and extreme self conciousness?

It's steered more towards dealing with anxiety & panic attacks.


New member

Sorry form my English but I am not a native speaker,
I tried the LInden metod I did not have any impovement and when i sent an email to ask advise I never got a reply,









gladiator74 said:
Sorry form my English but I am not a native speaker,
I tried the LInden metod I did not have any impovement and when i sent an email to ask advise I never got a reply,







If the linden method did not teach you about positive thinking then they did not teach you the real cure. I have beaten my anxiety and wrote about it. I don't charge alot of money and I give a 400% money back guarantee. This is not an advertisement. I really would like to know what is there that I could do better for other anxiety victims. I am trying to provide honest relief from panic and anxiety. I cannot give it away for free because it cost me alot of time, research, money and emotions to find this.

I worked so hard to beat my anxiety, to finally find away out. I want to now turn the worst thing that ever happened to me, into the best thing that ever happened to me. My method is all natural and also provides near instant ways to snap out of panic attacks.

What coule I do better for you guys, without giving it away free. What would you want out of a "method"


New member
Panic Away

Hi All,

I have gone down the road of trying out most of these programs as I believe that it is important to keep educating yourself about different conditions. I used to suffer for about 3 years from Panic Attacks and I kept on buying and reading new material and there is always something you can learn from different authors and perspectives.

I have read Panic Away by Joe Barry and I think that this is a great product and it has a technique that I think is great. I kept on using the technique and some other things that I have learnt and with consistency and time I don't have them anymore. I also made a lot of other lifestyle changes which helped as well, taking out certain foods, exercising regularly, stop taking alchohol, coffee and other things. It depends how much you want to stop these attacks. I am actually now very thank ful because all these changes have made my life 500% better. It sounds silly but I am grateful for having the attacks because they made me change.

I do have say that Joe Barry's book was very useful to me and it is less money. In my opinion though I would continue to invest in these programs and learn from them, thats how I beat them. If you don't like them most have a refund policy so get your money back. I think Joe Barrys book is $67 which is nothing really and you can contact him via email aswell.

One other tip that if I was to go through what I went through again, I would get someone to do the exercises with. Phone each other up or find someone that has beaten them and get some advice. Talking to people who just talk about getting through this will not inspire you to get through it. There is a great phrase which as irritating as it is, it has a point. 'People become the people they spend the most time with' Just think about that for a moment...

Check out this site as there is a great book you can get for free as well
that I think has some great techniques in it. You only get it if you buy the PanicAway program. If you really can't afford it then just buy it get the free book and then ask for your money back. I would not advise this because I think it is worth the money you spend. But just do something to help yourself because life is better on the other side.

Take care


New member
Hi all, this is my first post. I've had a panic disorder for over two years now and it resulted in me becoming Agoraphobic. I bought The Linden Method a few months after my first panic attack and was very excited about it. I thought it would instantly heal me, I was very naive.
When it all arrived I was kind of disappointed it didn't contain a magic pill or a line of verse that I had to say and all my panic would diappear.
I read through everything but didn't really give it a chance. It was definitely helpful but is a lot of hard work and I think it's easier to work with someone face to face when confronting panic disorder. I'd like to get my money back, because of it's claim to cure you within a week or whatever but you know what these things are like, they'll make me go through it and question me etc etc.
Anyway, I think it's worth a try. Everyone is different and the same treatment won't work for all. I myself have just started seeing a psychotherapist and am starting CBT, I have found this a lot more helpful so far, and free by the way on the NHS! I still don't understand why Robert Linden (a former panic sufferer) would charge people to help them. I know if I had the cure I would certainly not charge.
Hope to speak to some of you again,

Lisa x x x


New member
Hello Dear people,
I want to tell you that I am also the sufferer of panic attacks and will not describe details, cause you know them very well, just must say that they are severe and especially in supermarkets and while i am in a car or bus somewhere far from my house lol. I am a little surprised about Linden. Well, i have not tried , because i have no money for that, but even free staff helped me a little. what surprises me is that you say that he must not take money, well, pardon me, but he is a doctor in this case and if you go to a dentist, will not he/she take money from you??? it is a treatment and when you need to go to a doctor, for some other reason, you always pay. Believe me, i am not from Linden group, I am writing from Georgia, Tbilisi and as i said i even have \no possibility to buy, but i think that this man really wants to help people and did his best. I just wanted to express my opinion.


Well-known member
I've had the chance to look through the linden method. Its designed for panic attacks or anything very closely related to it. Its simply based on an idea of blocking any thoughts assosiated with panic. Since panic is created by fear itself, the idea is that if you can completely block it and not feed it anything, it will dissapear.

I will be honest, I was not impressed at all. It has some potential for temporary relief as long as you keep doing his blocking method everyday.
Its a symptom blocker though and if you stop doing what he says it will all come back and even if you dont, it will probably still break through eventually and might be worse than ever.

Whats crazy is that blocking is what really causes the panic to begin with. Not dealing with anxities and letting them build up to the point where your mind has to let go in the form of a panic attack. One sentence that stood out is that he said 'most of anger comes from things that should be sadness or a loss'. That just shows the extent of how much he blocks his anxieties and emotions and refuses to listen to his mind. I'm sure its that line of thinking that caused much of his problems to begin with.

Linden method deals with no underlying mechanisms that leads to the start of panic attacks.

Thats my honest review. I think some form of not 'freaking out' about the fear and realizing it can't hurt you is important but it has to be coupled with clearing out the blocked crap that caused the panic to begin with. Blocking all symptoms might temporary stop the fear of fear itself, but your mind will still find a way to 'panic' if its not cleared out of endless anxieties.


New member
I purchased The Linden Method recently and can answer any questions you have about it. I will say that I am sending the material back for a refund. I was disappointed. The Linden Method is a rip off of an eBook that I had purchased two years ago called Panic Away. If you do indeed have Panic Away, you can be certain that the "One Move" described in Panic Away is in fact "The Linden Method."