The kick in the ass factor ...


In actuality you have to admit this forum when you think about it is quite funny! Here we are a bunch of social misfits most of us unable to partake in social situations, but yet here we are. Was the computer and internet designed for people like us, or what?! LOL For me personally the answer would be a restounding "yes!!!" The advent of cyber space has allowed me to be a social creature, but I have fallen into the pitfalls of this. The vary thing that has helped me become more social has hindered me :roll:

I am able to project myself as a friendly person via cyber space although I am actually a nasty unfriendly piece of work but people actually seem to think that the outgoing cyber persona is my true personality as a result they want to know me. But the second they want to move things into the real world like "yikes" actually meet in person I cannot seem to make the quantum leap and there goes another burned bridge. I have amassed quite the collection of burnt bridges this year alone. Takes talent does that!

I arrived on this planet with my social inadequacies, but the internet has catered to this problem so much so I am now almost
non-existant out in the real world. Sound familiar? Has anyone mastered the art of kicking themself in the ass yet? I figure if I can just get that down to a fine art there might be hope for me. Who am I kidding?! It's going to take a hell of a lot more then a kick in the ass to get me out the front door...LOL Can anyone even remember how WE, as in the socially challenged, socialized before computers? I seem to recall it involved mass quantities of alcohol, but I'm not up to that anymore ...LOL Excuse me while I crawl back under my rock now ...



Well-known member
Actually I suppose it was eaiser, since I gather those people with social problems had less escape points and be forced into things, thusly more practice and what not. Its like being born with a crutch to lean on, some dont know how to walk without.

It's handy though, I suppose just another boon of technology (lol like it really helps).


Well-known member
Yeah the internet's cool and all... but somehow I don't feel like it helps so much in the long run. Think about it, it can't replace real social interaction, give you social experience, etc. However, it's got a ton of knowledge about this common problem that we all seem to share. That's one plus!

Ironically enough though, the more I search for an answer outside of myself, the less I'm able to find it. I don't know if anybody else here feels this way, but when I can accept everything about myself and the immediate world around me, the more I can let go of the ego that keeps my anxiety and fears alive. Therefore, the internet really hasn't helped me with jack shit!


Hey so lets all get really brave and disconnect our computers 8O yeah right as if As much as I am a slave to it I love my computer & the internet but I really do need to get me ass outside and make contact with real people. And one of these days I'll get right on that