The Future


Well-known member
I've had a few drinks tonight and its probably the only way I can talk about things that really bother me without holding anything back.

So as i said before I always think about the future and what it will be like. But with the current state of the world it doesn't look to good. Yes in the past things have been even more stupid and fucked but you'd think in the 21st century that people would be more enlightened and reasonable. I mean you've got people in the middle east who live like we're in the 1500's and think theres a god who actually cares about how people act. Blowing themselves up to become a martyr and shit, thats just plane retarded. If there was no religion or extremists we wouldn't have half the problems the world faces. Then you got the oil prices which go through the roof. I mean my family isn't poor or anything but its ridiculous paying 70 bucks to fill up the car (we have 3). when will governments start promoting hydrogen or solar power, when will science start perfecting solar cells and wind turbines. When will they create an electric car you can call a car not some piece of shit with 3hp that you have to recharge every night. BMW already makes a hydrogen car but its so expensive only rich people can afford. When will most of the car market take-on a hydrogen car? And the whole global warming shit? well to me thats just made up shit that wont happen and I'm not going into that.

What I'm getting at is in 1950 most scientist thought the year 2000 would be some sort of futuristic wonder world but the reality is 8 years later and we are still in poverty, wars, famines, extremists, the shitty economy, and numerous other things. Then you got the countries who start testing nuclear weapons and yes the cold war is over but its still lurking in the shadows. Like is there ever going to be a point when people decide enough is enough stop killing each other we need to work together? When i think of 70 years from now its either going to be that futuristic wonder world or some sort of world where theres a bigger gap between the poor and rich.

1 more thing is and I don't usually tell people that I watch star trek some times. They live in a utopia where they work together to better the human race, no money, greed, or worldly problems. After world war 3 the human race finally decides enough is enough and work together to better themselves. Will that happen to us? does it need to take a world war 3? as Einstein said "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." :cry: