Well-known member
I just started a new job a couple of days ago and I can already tell that it's not for me. It's just too stressful. It's direct customer service over the phone for hours on end. I mean about 8 hours straight of people calling, and, calling, and calling, and then some of the same people who's voices you can't even understand calling back.
And then there are the people who like to cuss you out. And then there's all this information you have to key in very quickly so that you can be ready to take the next call. All of this while your handful of co-workers speak loudly around you, either to people on the phone or to other co-workers. So loudly in fact that you can't even hear yourself think, led alone speaking to whoever you happen to be on the phone with.
So after just two days I've already decided I can't handle the job. It feels like such a cop out because it is, and I know it. But I think it's best I get away from the chaos before I'm fully submerged in it.
Still, I feel like a complete failure. I do have two other pending jobs right now. One at a movie theater and one delivering products to stores, which pays very well. So at least I'm not at a total loss. Hopefully one of the two will come through.
But I don't think I can handle another day in that cagey call centre, and I was merely in the training process thus far. I hate myself for quitting, but I know I'd hate myself just as much, if not more for staying put. I don't even want to think of what my parents are going to say. It's a nightmare waiting to happen.
And I know I shouldn't leave one job without already having another, but as I said I just can't stand another day in that little room with all of that chaos.
Everything feels like such a mess right now and if it weren't for my medications I'd probably be on the verge of offing myself to be totally honest. Hopefully my parents' reactions won't help push me to that proverbial ledge. At least I haven't given up as far as the other jobs go. I'm striving for those, calling nonstop and having some good luck, actually. But I still feel like a failure in so many ways.
I'm sure many would say I should just tough it out and I may discover something new about myself. But I believe I already have. I've discovered that I have to make my own decisions and stop doing what everyone else thinks is best for me, which is what landed me in this rather doubtful job situation to begin with. Between my sometimes overbearing job coach and my desperate parents I jumped at whatever came my way, which of course just last week had been nothing but a job at a call centre.
In any case, I'm not setting foot in that call centre again. Not unless I'm coming home tonight with clear plans on how to end this nightmare altogether. And I'd rather not go back down that useless, dark road.
Sorry for the rambling. I just needed to say this somewhere and there's nowhere else that people will even remotely understand, I'm sure. Perhaps not even here.
And then there are the people who like to cuss you out. And then there's all this information you have to key in very quickly so that you can be ready to take the next call. All of this while your handful of co-workers speak loudly around you, either to people on the phone or to other co-workers. So loudly in fact that you can't even hear yourself think, led alone speaking to whoever you happen to be on the phone with.
So after just two days I've already decided I can't handle the job. It feels like such a cop out because it is, and I know it. But I think it's best I get away from the chaos before I'm fully submerged in it.
Still, I feel like a complete failure. I do have two other pending jobs right now. One at a movie theater and one delivering products to stores, which pays very well. So at least I'm not at a total loss. Hopefully one of the two will come through.
But I don't think I can handle another day in that cagey call centre, and I was merely in the training process thus far. I hate myself for quitting, but I know I'd hate myself just as much, if not more for staying put. I don't even want to think of what my parents are going to say. It's a nightmare waiting to happen.
And I know I shouldn't leave one job without already having another, but as I said I just can't stand another day in that little room with all of that chaos.
Everything feels like such a mess right now and if it weren't for my medications I'd probably be on the verge of offing myself to be totally honest. Hopefully my parents' reactions won't help push me to that proverbial ledge. At least I haven't given up as far as the other jobs go. I'm striving for those, calling nonstop and having some good luck, actually. But I still feel like a failure in so many ways.
I'm sure many would say I should just tough it out and I may discover something new about myself. But I believe I already have. I've discovered that I have to make my own decisions and stop doing what everyone else thinks is best for me, which is what landed me in this rather doubtful job situation to begin with. Between my sometimes overbearing job coach and my desperate parents I jumped at whatever came my way, which of course just last week had been nothing but a job at a call centre.
In any case, I'm not setting foot in that call centre again. Not unless I'm coming home tonight with clear plans on how to end this nightmare altogether. And I'd rather not go back down that useless, dark road.
Sorry for the rambling. I just needed to say this somewhere and there's nowhere else that people will even remotely understand, I'm sure. Perhaps not even here.