That feeling of failure


Well-known member
I just started a new job a couple of days ago and I can already tell that it's not for me. It's just too stressful. It's direct customer service over the phone for hours on end. I mean about 8 hours straight of people calling, and, calling, and calling, and then some of the same people who's voices you can't even understand calling back.

And then there are the people who like to cuss you out. And then there's all this information you have to key in very quickly so that you can be ready to take the next call. All of this while your handful of co-workers speak loudly around you, either to people on the phone or to other co-workers. So loudly in fact that you can't even hear yourself think, led alone speaking to whoever you happen to be on the phone with.

So after just two days I've already decided I can't handle the job. It feels like such a cop out because it is, and I know it. But I think it's best I get away from the chaos before I'm fully submerged in it.
Still, I feel like a complete failure. I do have two other pending jobs right now. One at a movie theater and one delivering products to stores, which pays very well. So at least I'm not at a total loss. Hopefully one of the two will come through.

But I don't think I can handle another day in that cagey call centre, and I was merely in the training process thus far. I hate myself for quitting, but I know I'd hate myself just as much, if not more for staying put. I don't even want to think of what my parents are going to say. It's a nightmare waiting to happen.
And I know I shouldn't leave one job without already having another, but as I said I just can't stand another day in that little room with all of that chaos.

Everything feels like such a mess right now and if it weren't for my medications I'd probably be on the verge of offing myself to be totally honest. Hopefully my parents' reactions won't help push me to that proverbial ledge. At least I haven't given up as far as the other jobs go. I'm striving for those, calling nonstop and having some good luck, actually. But I still feel like a failure in so many ways.

I'm sure many would say I should just tough it out and I may discover something new about myself. But I believe I already have. I've discovered that I have to make my own decisions and stop doing what everyone else thinks is best for me, which is what landed me in this rather doubtful job situation to begin with. Between my sometimes overbearing job coach and my desperate parents I jumped at whatever came my way, which of course just last week had been nothing but a job at a call centre.

In any case, I'm not setting foot in that call centre again. Not unless I'm coming home tonight with clear plans on how to end this nightmare altogether. And I'd rather not go back down that useless, dark road.
Sorry for the rambling. I just needed to say this somewhere and there's nowhere else that people will even remotely understand, I'm sure. Perhaps not even here.


Well-known member
I don't blame you for not wanting to go into that place again, it sounds awful :(

I hope you can find a job that's more suitable for you soon!


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
I don't blame you for not wanting to go into that place again, it sounds awful :(

I hope you can find a job that's more suitable for you soon!

Thanks. My other options seem better, though I'm not sure when or if I'll hear back from them.


Well-known member
oh gosh! I understand. The same EXACT thing literally happened to me last week. I just got my first job selling stuff where you have to go door to door 8O! ROFL! And I quit exactly two days laters. I just didn't enjoy it at all. It was absolutely dreadful. I'm sorry about your experience and I DEFINITELY don't think its a cop out. If you were miserable there then thats that. And I think its good that you had the courage to say no, it wasn't for you. I have the same problem because I'm afraid of letting anyone down. And good luck with the pending jobs :wink: I hope you get a call back and that you enjoy it. You'll find something thats right for you.


Well-known member
blonderedhead said:
oh gosh! I understand. The same EXACT thing literally happened to me last week. I just got my first job selling stuff where you have to go door to door 8O! ROFL! And I quit exactly two days laters. I just didn't enjoy it at all. It was absolutely dreadful. I'm sorry about your experience and I DEFINITELY don't think its a cop out. If you were miserable there then thats that. And I think its good that you had the courage to say no, it wasn't for you. I have the same problem because I'm afraid of letting anyone down. And good luck with the pending jobs :wink: I hope you get a call back and that you enjoy it. You'll find something thats right for you.

Thanks so much for the encouragement. I really need it at this point. My Mom already knows I didn't go in to work today so it's only a matter of time before I'm driven to near madness by her endless scolding. And then there's my Dad who will probably tell me to pack my things and leave the house which in my fragile mind means "go drive into a lake somewhere". Fortunately he has class tonight and won't be home, so at least that pointless explosion will be delayed. At this point I'm not sure who is more disappointed; my mom or my job coach. My job coach has called three times today, sounding more and more as if she feels I'm a lost cause with each call. And I do believe she may be right.


Well-known member
Awwww! You're very welcome. My mom is the same way and my dad, thats just a whole nother thing in itself! I'm sorry your parents aren't more supportive :( . Don't go drive into a lake somewhere! You are absolutely NOT a lost cause! This is just a small obstacle for now. You WILL find something. I swear it!


Well-known member
I just needed to say this somewhere and there's nowhere else that people will even remotely understand, I'm sure. Perhaps not even here.
ljwwriter, you are not alone. I completely understand. This has been my experience also. Not being able to get into the job thats right for you, constant needling from others, the pressure that endlessly builds. Its because I've been alone. There is no enjoyment to look forward to or get you through the day, so if things don't go well at your job there's not much left.


Well-known member
Thank goodness I have you guys. I've fallen apart. Earlier today my Dad became extremely irrate over me quitting the call centre job and even grabbed me by the throat. Fortunately he held himself back physically, but he kicked me out of the house.
I'm quite certain that if it weren't for my friend Jordan I'd be dead or dying by now. I had a plan all worked out: After the horrible clash between my Dad and I, which was really just him yelling at me about how he had expected me to quit, I drove to the store and sat in the parking lot for a while. I emptied all my anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds into a baggy, planning to take them all at once later. There were probably over 40 pills of various types and doses. Then I drove to the library and stayed there for over an hour writing a goodbye letter to my family. I was going to put it in our mailbox and then go find an empty parking lot for the night and take the pills and wait to fall asleep. But I decided to stop at my friend's house just to talk. It was after I got out of the car that I realized, having had so much on my mind, that I had locked my key in the car and couldn't get back in. So here I am now at my friend's house where I probably need to be. It's like an intervention by fate or something. I'm sure if it weren't for her I'd be gone by now and no one would know until they found me in my car in the morning. I was so prepared for it. Now I don't know.

I gave my mother her birthday card which I added some special touches to before I left today because I wasn't too sure I'd see her again. I told her I might not get another chance to give her the card, but I doubt she understood precisely what I meant. I'm not sure what's going to happen now. The letter and the pills are still sitting on the passenger side of my car in rather plain view. I'll have to get a spare key and make sure my family doesn't see the baggy or the letter. At least not now.


Well-known member
I'm so glad that you got locked out of your car. Suicide is so hard on family and friends. Your dad is just frustrated because he doesn't understand what you are going through. Try to sit down and talk with him if you haven't already. My Uncle killed himself 8 years ago and I still cry all the time over it.

I don't want to talk to you about my life. What I'm saying is, suicide has a very deep impact for many years. People blame themselves for the death of others. I'm not saying your life isn't hard but I'm sure things could be worse. You seem very intelligent. There are other ways to get through this. Try therapy or anything else that you may think help.

Please don't do anything that can hurt yourself or worse. You'll find a job you'll like. It just takes time. I really wish the best for you, hun. You can message me at anytime if you need to vent.


Well-known member
Caseums21 said:
I'm so glad that you got locked out of your car. Suicide is so hard on family and friends. Your dad is just frustrated because he doesn't understand what you are going through. Try to sit down and talk with him if you haven't already. My Uncle killed himself 8 years ago and I still cry all the time over it.

I don't want to talk to you about my life. What I'm saying is, suicide has a very deep impact for many years. People blame themselves for the death of others. I'm not saying your life isn't hard but I'm sure things could be worse. You seem very intelligent. There are other ways to get through this. Try therapy or anything else that you may think help.

Please don't do anything that can hurt yourself or worse. You'll find a job you'll like. It just takes time. I really wish the best for you, hun. You can message me at anytime if you need to vent.

Thank you for your words. I'm in therapy now, actually. In fact, I've been trying to e-mail my therapist, whom I like a lot, but I've gotten no response. I just had an appointment with her the day before yesterday and things seemed well enough then. But how quickly things fall apart, huh?

I am very sorry to hear about your Uncle. That isn't the kind of pain that I want to leave my family and few friends with at all. But I still don't know. My life hinges upon what happens in the next few days. I feel so empty and alone right now, and yet I love my friend Jordan and people like you for even bothering to talk to me. I know I'm not truly alone, though when I'm not near a computer or my friend it sure feels that way. It was such a strange feeling penning a suicide letter in a bustling library, and no one else had a clue what I was thinking. I was well on my way to ending it all. I have never been so close to the ledge.

I have sat down and spoken to my father before. We did it recently as a matter of fact and it seemed to go well. But after his explosion today I don't know quite how I feel about him now. I forget what I wrote to him in my letter.

I'm just lost right now. Unless a job comes along and I have somewhere to stay permanently, then I don't see much of a future for myself. I know if I do something rash it will hurt my family greatly, but I'm hurting them in life as well. At this point I'm not certain I'll get through this one, or even if I want to. I'll see how I feel in the morning after I go get that spare key.


Active member
Really sorry to hear what has been happening to you and that I haven't been online to this last 24 hours to help. I've left you a longer message. I'm really glad you were locked out of your car and that your friend was there for you. Hope things get better for you soon- I honestly think that they could. Maybe not perfect but I think with your caring personality and talent with words you have so much going for you. I know life must feel unbearable for you at times but I would urge you not to take those pills. Hope things get more bearable soon.


Well-known member
"I know if I do something rash it will hurt my family greatly, but I'm hurting them in life as well."

If you are "hurting" them now, then that means they really care about you. If they didn't love you so much then they wouldn't care. They would rather you hurt them while you are alive because that hurt is easier to recover. If you died, they would never recover and neither would you.

Death is a huge step and shouldn't be an option. Everything will be okay, just give it time and you have to make the changes too.

Please message back and let everyone know how you are doing.


Well-known member
It is a very touching story my brother. I have also been a same road as you. When i was 18 i was expelled from school my mom was so mad she slapped me and kick me out the house. The reason i got expelled out of school was because i didn't show up to school, because of my SA. Like you i had no place to go. I went to the library wrote my good bye letters. I had a friend at that time, but i didn't know where he lived. I didn't know where to go, so I got in the subway and finally in the bus. The bus was empty I was the only person riding it. I remember this clearly the bus driver said to me "This is it buddy end of the road". I honestly didn't know where i was the. There were houses with their light off everyone was sleeping. There was i alone on the street walking and going no were. I walked for about six hour i was tired and exhausted. Finally, I reached a bridge I looked down I really wanted to jump to get it over with, but some reason I couldn't. I went home my mom was happy that I was a life she took me home with open arms.

I have tried many time to kill myself and every time I have failed. Knowing that you can't kill yourself forces you to find the solution to the problem. I am at the point of my life were I will do anything to get over my SA. I have make significant progress. What I am saying is that the darkest moments are what are ultimately will define us. You are not lost cause or a failure. Remember their is always darkness before the light.

you didn't cause your SA, but its your responsibilty to find a cure.