Thank You SPWorld!


Well-known member
I'm not leaving or anything, I would just like to say

Thankyou! From the sincerity of my heart and soul.

Support goes a LONG way. Especially, when you have a toxic environment, and a parent that only wants to see you miserable (Misery loves company, unfortunately, my mother is the most harming thing to me.)

So again, I thank you for taking that role.

A main reason that I am motivated to change so much lately, is because I have a group of people who understand these difficulties, and who care about my improvement.

You guys have helped me to feel good about myself and realize that I am not a bad person, despite what my mother calls me.

I'm beginning to love myself for exactly who I am, I feel like I have found myself for the first time. It's a new life that is beginning every day.

I realize that giving you all of the credit is harmful to myself, so I am going to give myself a lot of the credit for this improvement. I have done it, you have inspired it.

It is not over, I am looking forward to facing these fears, I am looking forward to improving myself, because now I see that I deserve it.

Thankyou All.
I feel the exact same way! It makes my depression less bad when I see that others are feeling the same way as me and it gives me strength to go out and live the life I want to live :)


Well-known member
I've been curiously following your improvement since that "Pretend who you want to be" thread, and it's just awesome. Really happy for you :)

And I like your signature. lol


Well-known member
I'm so happy to hear that i'm not the only one benefiting from this site!

Arsenal, you have? haha..Odd! I hadn't realized that I began to put effort into this right after that post. :) Thanks, for showing interest.

Try again I know just how you feel! For me I began with facing the tiny little fears. Starting with the small things, the things that represent your way of life, (Like reading somebody's response to a thread when you're afraid, or just challenging thoughts while you sit at home) has been the most helpful for me. We do everything the same way. I'm glad to hear things are improving for you as well! :D :)