Terrible head sweating - what to do?


I am new to this kind of boards so I will be brief and not bore you with the history of embarassment and bullying that my sweating caused me -

I have suffered from head sweating for years.My hair is pretty much constantly dripping wet, you can imagine how embarassing that is. I have tried everything short of oral medication and surgery.

I went to doctors to ask for robinul, but turns out they don't have that med in the country I live in :/ they refused to prescribe driptane also, saying it's for urinary problems and they wont give me medication based on Dr.google side effect list :mad:

Is there any place I can buy it online w/o prescription that ships to europe? M<ost of the sites I checked are either really shady, or need prescription for the med :(

Help please >.< (ANY tips on how to deal with head sweating most welcome)


Well-known member
Is it just the top of your head or is it your face too? I'm not sure how to stop the sweat from the top of your head, but to stop facial sweating you should try a product called witch hazel. I use it on the back of my legs and my armpits and it works really well. I've never tried it on my face, but I heard it works best on the face.


Hello, thanks for replying. Yes, my problem is scalp/head and face, althought facial sweating isnt as horrible as the one on the head :(

Also, I have tried the salt thing before, I found the exact post few days ago - in theory upping salt intake simply boosts your water retention as well, so many people sweat less. Not me! I could eat a whole jar and nothing happens >.<

The way I see it I have 3 options left - meds (which i cant get from my doctors) botox injections (but do they even do them on the scalp?)or sympathectomy (but that's really last resort since I have read that it kind of backfired on many patients).


Well-known member
First off, been there! All forms of HH are awful, I'm sure, but soaking hair, sweat dropping off your face, etc. is so visible!

Go into the website pharmacy.ca

They have good information on HH, and manufacture "Avert"--their brand name for glycopyrrolate (same as Robinul). They also have topical pads, Secure. I started with them, the problem being that unless you're a guy with short hair (I don't fit in either category) you can't really wipe your head.

Be assured that pharmacy.ca is a reputable pharmacy. They do ship overseas, I believe. I'm sure it will cost a fair bit. I'm sure it will be worth it to you.

Even if you don't want to order, they'll give you good information and advice.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Oh--and they do do botox for scalp sweating--I think they do it around the scalp rather than in it.

Before I found my magic meds, I talked to my then dermatologist about it. She said it lasts 6 months at best, doesn't always work anyway, and costs a lot.

I didn't say "thanks for nothing", but thought it.

Has anyone on the site had personal experience with this version of Botox?


Hey margie, thank you for the reply!

I considered botox too, might research it a bit more. My mother actually heard something about some laser treatment too, need to check this up as well. But all those cost alot.
Secure is probably just a face solution since im a female with semi long hair, and shaving is not in the plan for now! :D

Yes , I was looking at pharmacy.ca, even emailed them asking about avert and whether they ship to europe (since on their site it looked like they only ship fo canada and usa) - but never received any reply (and I did dig through the junk folder just in case too lol). But yeah will probably just risk it and order it anyway. Or should I try mail them again?


Active member
The admin of verysweatybetty got botox done for the face. She benefited greatly from it. Have you tried the homemade iontophoresis machine? I would try that.


Active member
Hey margie, thank you for the reply!

I considered botox too, might research it a bit more. My mother actually heard something about some laser treatment too, need to check this up as well. But all those cost alot.
Secure is probably just a face solution since im a female with semi long hair, and shaving is not in the plan for now! :D

Yes , I was looking at pharmacy.ca, even emailed them asking about avert and whether they ship to europe (since on their site it looked like they only ship fo canada and usa) - but never received any reply (and I did dig through the junk folder just in case too lol). But yeah will probably just risk it and order it anyway. Or should I try mail them again?

They definately deliver to the uk. If that's where you are. But it's about £35 for a small bottle. Depends on the strength. You have to fill out a medical form to begin with and then someone will get back to you and tell you the strength you need. They also offered me the wipes but I just went for the avert. It definately works but I find the side effects quite bad. My hands swell up like they're ready to pop! (I don't get sweaty hands at all) and my eyes and throat are nippy they are so dry. Depends though as some people don't mind as it stops them sweating. I only sweat in certain circumstances so no point in using every day. Maybe try a different doctor too? If your in uk you'll have nhs. No point paying £35 for something you can get free. My dr has prescribed my probanthine (out of stock now) and is willing to try anything I ask for. Yours sounds like an ass!! Lol. Good luck.


Nah , I'm not in the UK anymore, when I used to live there, 3 GPs I visited just basically told me to suck it up and deal with it/ #it's just how you are' so I gave up. I live in the tiny Slovenia atm (till december), so it's tough :/ I am originally from Poland, so I have spoken to some of my family to go to doctors and see if those will help out at all (although in PL head HH is almost unheard off - I guess everyone with it is hiding in basements or something -.-) But keep your fingers crossed! If everything fails, I suppose I'll just pay w/e it costs to get avert.


Well-known member
Before you try going on any kind of medication, you should try some natural remedies. You should first try sage supplements. It is said that sage supplements can decrease sweating by up to 50%, but it almost completely cured mine! I never had problems with cranial/facial sweating, but I had awful sweating from my hands, feet, back, armpits, and the back of my legs. Sage supplements decreased my sweating tremendously! Also, sage has many other benefits like reducing anxiety and improving memory so its worth a shot!


Trust me, i wouldnt even think of meds if i havnt tried natural stuff first. I tried sage in many forms - i drank loads of it, i made some weird elixirs to wash my head with, i took sage supplements, and even creams with sage on my head heh. All to no result.


Managed to get oxybutynin hydrochloride perscribed (driptane) :D now just waiting for it to get to me, and i pray to all sort of gods for it to work. Don't think I have ever put so much hope and faith in a medicine before oO

will let you know how it goes!


4th day on driptane aaaand apart from dryness in the mouth almost no effect :( 5mg twice a day. Not sure if Driptane needs some period of time to start working or does it mean that if after 4 days there';s no effect, there wont be any anymore >.<

driping jon

Well-known member
4th day on driptane aaaand apart from dryness in the mouth almost no effect :( 5mg twice a day. Not sure if Driptane needs some period of time to start working or does it mean that if after 4 days there';s no effect, there wont be any anymore >.<

hi im on probanthine 15mg poss its not strong enough for u.


Active member
meds .im happy that i tried and never looked back,even if it takes some years off my life

Hey Jon, are you still able to get pro banthine? My dr prescribed me 15mg, when I got to chemist, they only had 12 of 10mg left and said it was not being manufactured any more! My luck. I wondered if you had the same problem?

Have you tried avert? If so, how did you compare? I felt pro banthine made my throat unbareabley dry and sore, whereas avert isn't as bad. Just a shame as its £35 to order 30 pills, and as I live in Scotland I get all prescriptions free!! Grumble!!! Lol Glad to see you're "fixed" though. Where do you sweat?


2 weeks after first driptane tablet - I have been experimenting with dosages - and to be honest no effect :/

when I take 2x 5 mg a day there is no effect at all.
with 3x5 mg there is a slight effect, but rather on my body - my head sweating seems unaffected!

I had to go out with some friends the other day - so i took 2x5 mg the night before and 1 in the morning - effect was - my head sweating very slightly reduced, but still had wet hair all over the head and sticking to my face, the sweat just wasn't pouring down my neck as hard as before. BUT my face went red - like PROPERLY AFTER GYM I JUST RAN A MARATHON red all over O_O next day my forhead was covered in spots (and i never ever got any spots/acne problems on my face).

So .. so much for driptane :///

I suppose its time to try avert?