Temperory Solution to social phobia


New member
I have been suffering from social phobia for many years. I have landed on a new job that requires group meetings with customers and giving presentations. After I embarassed myself and my boss in front of a particular customer, I decided to seek professional help. My doctor recommeded behavioral therapy but gave me temp. solution: .25 mg xanax 1 hour before the "event" and 10 mg propranolol x3 a day. I have to admit that yesterday I gave a presentation to a group of people with absolutely NO fear whatsoever. I have never felt this feeling before. I also have to say that I enjoyed giving the presentation as well.

But unfortunately, this solution that worked for me is only temperory. I am getting a job that has almost daily presentations to give. Does that mean that I have to take xanax on a daily basis? Will it continue to work forever?