teeth and jaw pain


lately i noticed that when i get agorophobic, anxious and stressed out, around the time i have panic attacks, i also have a problem where my jaw hurts so bad that i can barely focus on anything. it feels as if my jaw is tightening its self like a clamp, especially in the back of my teeth. anyways, i just wondered has anyone else ever experienced this before, or am i maybe suffering an unrelated symptom ( doctors have said it is likely stress, however, if it is because I am stressed, it's not helping much! )

it's been ongoing for the last two weeks, and off and on, for long and short intervals over the last two years. and it sucks.

peace :(


Well-known member
Yep I do after long frequent times around places like city/college where I am more anxious. It does build up to lots of pain yeah and I guess its simply because of the muscle taughtness when stressed and lack of relaxation. My only advise is to massage the area and find some time to relax while focusing on the facial muscles.

On the subject of relaxing I seriously feel I cannot fully relax, since im always so tense. Its like even when I think im relaxed my body is taught to some degree.


Well-known member
I can relate to this.

At times of even greater anxiety/ stress than usual, my jaw becomes quite painful. I went and saw a dentist about this once, and she told me that it's because I was grinding my teeth up when asleep at night. I was given exercises to do in order to relieve the pain, otherwise I would of had to have a mouth guard fitted.

Sometimes I become conscious of how tightly I clench my teeth even during the day.


Well-known member
IceLad said:
Sometimes I become conscious of how tightly I clench my teeth even during the day.

Hah yes! Its a painful swirl of thoughts indeed. I remember when it got bad enough that my eyes took on this permanent anguished look (like someone drilling screws into my jaw bone) and I became vastly self conscious about it. Eh just another branch in the tree of SA I suppose.