Yes, study NLPs fast phobia cure and do it.
To get a general feel about it:
Here are some links:
And if you don't believe that (WHEN PROPERLY DONE) such an easy exercise could help you get rid of phobia read these excerpts:
Allen, K., (1982) “An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Neuro Linguistic Programming Procedures in treating Snake Phobias” (in Dissertation Abstracts International 43, 861B). This study of 36 undergraduate students with snake phobias found the NLP process behaviourally as successful as far longer behaviourist Massed Systemic Desensitisation regimes, and more convincing subjectively to the participants.
Einspruch, E. (1988) “Neurolinguistic Programming in the Treatment of Phobias” in Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 6(1): 91-100. In this study from the University of Miami Phobia Trauma Clinic, 31 phobic clients were seen in group therapy, and 17 in individual therapy. The subjects were given questionnaires before and after therapy, and these suggest that the technique is successful for symptoms of both anxiety and depression in clients with phobias.